Chapter 18

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Jack had a cast on his foot and handcuffs on his wrists being held by Harry.

He still had scars from the cuts Dark had given him, but they weren't as prominent as before.
Bruises were showing from his short sleeved dark red T-shirt.
He had bandages over his infected cuts.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but I have permission from certain people to be a witness in this testimony, as long as I have a lie detector test on." Jack says limping towards the judge. "Oh no." Whispers Mark under his breath.

"Let me see authorization Mr. Mcloughlin." The judge said.

Harry handed the judge some authorization papers.

"Proceed." The judge finally said.

"May I take place on a witness stand?" Jack asked, but then his mind started to wander and he started mumbling things to himself.

His handcuffs were yanked and he was brought back to reality.

The judge said Okay.

"Your honor, I was prisoner of Mark for a very long time. I've aslo been his friend for a long while. I know what he's capable of." Jack said sitting at the witness stand as Ryan sits on one of the benches in that room.

"What do you mean, what he's capable of?" The judge asked as Harry hooked Jack up to a lie detector test.

"He wouldn't harm a fly, he is humble and selfless. He would put someone else before himself any day, and he does do that exact thing." Jack said as Frank turned the machine on.

Mark looked at Jack with a sad expression. Jack looked back at him with a sympathetic look.

"Okay, Mr. Mcloughlin. I will ask you questions now." Matt said.

The judge shot him a look, But Matt proceeded with, "If I may."

The judge slightly nodded.

"Sean Mcloughlin, do you testify against Mark?" Matt asked. "No, not at all." Jack mumbled. "Speak up." The judge demanded. "No." Jack said loud and clear now.
The lie detector simply showed 'truth'

Mark started to give a sad looking smile.

"Sean, why do you not blame Mark? Do you have Stockholm syndrome?" "No, I don't" Jack said with irritation in his voice.


"Do you truly believe that someone or something was controlling Mark?" Matt asked. "Yes." Jack answered, now fidgeting with his fingers against one and another.

"Do you Sean McLoughlin not hold anything against Mark Fischbach." Matt half questioned but mostly yelled.
"No I don't! You shouldn't either! You don't know what Dark and Anti are like!" Jack yelled now yanking out what connected him to the lie detector machine.

"Order in the court!"  The judge commanded.

"I rest my case." Matt said leaning back on his chair and crossing his arms. "I don't. I have one more thing to say." Jack said leaning forward. "I want a witness to be Matthew Fredrick."

The judge sighed. "We have to call him to come, do you realise that Mr. McLoughlin?" "Yes I do, is it aloud?" Jack asked curiously.
"I'll allow it." The judge answered reluctantly.

"Recess." The judge annouced and Jack,  Matt, Ryan, Harry, Frank, and Mark's lawyer went out to the courthouse halls.

Jack was still handcuffed with Frank now holding him. "What was that back there Matt!" He yelled, trying to lunge towards Matt. Frank held him.

"I was only defending us both!" Matt yelled. "No, you were defending yourself against something you don't know! Even Matthew knows what's going on at least a little bit!" Jack yelled in response.

An hour after not talking, Matthew arrived with a dress shirt and black pants. He sighed and sat down next to Mark's lawyer.

A policeman walked outside to the hall and said "it's time to return to the courtroom; Is Mr. Fredrick here?"

Matthew raised his hand and the policeman said "Mr. Fredrick you will be on the witness stand, follow me."

Matthew stood up and followed him. Everybody else took their places and the last part of the trial began.

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