Chapter 5

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Jack's POV

I was gonna go to sleep now that it's only nine hours from when I have to go on the plane to California with Mark. I can't sleep. After I heard what Mark said, I can't sleep. I keep thinking of Dark and Anti, and what they did to us.

Never again, do I want that to happen. That's in the past.

I'm hungry now, so I get up off my bed and head downstairs. Once I get downstairs I see Mark on the couch watching 'the Iron Giant' On TV. I ignore him and I go to grab a pudding out of the fridge. Mark ruins my plan of ignoring him, and he says "Hey Jack." And I look at him. "Hi, Mark. What are you doing up?" I ask him. He shrugs and goes back to watching TV and messing with his red hair.
I grab a spoon and I walk back to my room and shut the door.

I sit down on my bed with my pudding and I slowly eat it as I think about what normal explanations there are for Mark's behavior, but I can't. I sigh and put my pudding on my nightstand as I snuggle up inside my blankets.
When I wake up-even though I didn't know I fell asleep- and I hear my alarm on my phone go off, I sit up and I see my door cracked open. I look around my room to see where my phone is, and it's on the floor across the room. After I get up and turn it off, I walk downstairs to grab some sort of breakfast, but Mark is down there on a stool sipping orange juice. He looks at me and says "I,uh made you coffee and eggs." He looks like he didn't sleep at all last night. I smile faintly and I say thanks. I look around and I see the plate of eggs and the mug of coffee on the counter. He watched myle intently as I Make my way over to the plate, and I start eating.

"Are you excited to come to L.A with me?" Mark asks. I nod my head with my mouth full of eggs.
He faintly smiles and goes back to sipping his juice. We pretty much just don't talk until I go to get dressed. He looks at me again and says "You should bring extra clothes, just in case Matthew has weird challenges, or if you stay extra days." I nod.

I get upstairs and I shut the door and I get dressed in a black shirt, jeans, and my signature cap. I also pack about ten days worth of clothes.

After I open my door I see Mark heading out of the guest bedroom and he smiles and says "I'm sorry we didn't have that long of a fun day yesterday Jack, I was just -uh- extremely tired."
I smile back and say "No need to apologize, I understand." He grins wider and walks away.
Once we get to the airport, and get past security we looks for our gate and terminal. Once we find where we are headed, we check if we have seats next to each other.
We end up having seats pretty much next to each other, but some sitting in the middle of us.
"Well, too bad we won't be right next to each other Markimoo." I say jokingly. He laughs a little bit and nods. I am nervous for this plane ride, I'm not scared of planes in general though.
I really want this to go well.


Sorry for the not so exciting chapter, but I'm tired. I wanted to get content out though, so sorry if this is crappy. Bye!

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