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Hello everyone, and welcome to March on Paradigm! I wanted to do an A/N to give you all some facts about the story that will help you understand things a bit better.

Due to me not traveling a lot besides the Bahamas and Mexico, the story will be taking place in the land the United States takes up, though it'll be called Ocrad instead. I'm personally from the United States, so it's very familiar to me.

The majority of the characters in this story will be people from Twitter. These people are people that I am mutuals/friends with or I talk to a good amount. That doesn't mean that I won't have other characters, whether YouTubers, friends from my personal life, or original characters.

I also want to give a huge thanks to PinkAddictcx for helping me with my story and being such a large supporter as I start this.

The first chapter should be up today. I hope you enjoy!

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