Chapter 3: That Sunny Day Has Come

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"Long time no see, kid."

Chapter 3 — That Sunny Day Has Come.

"B-Bill?" Dipper stuttered. He took a quick glance up and down at the dream demon... except he didn't LOOK like his normal triangle self. He was... human. But even though he was human, you can still clearly tell its him.

"The one and only," Bill smirked. "I knew we'd meet again, my dearest Pine Tree." He floated over to Dipper and grabbed his chin, looking straight into his chocolate eyes, grinning.

Dipper pushed Bill off of him. "I thought you were dead! Great Uncle Ford ki—"

"No one can ever truly kill a demon, kid. We just go into regenerating mode and hibernate for a bit." He paused to look at Dipper's face. It was full of hate, anger, and confusion. Even though he turned off his human emotion switch, he still felt a little hurt. But he knew that his Pine Tree only felt that way because of what Ford did to him.

"B-But we erased you and how did you regenerate and you were gone a-and you—"

"Pine Tree, stop blabbering. Just know that a lot of things that you know is not what you think they are. Family can betray family just as much as anyone else. There's a lot of things you deserve to know that people have been keeping from you."

"I summon you from your 'hibernation' and this is the first thing you tell me?" My mind is taking in too much to process, Dipper thought. "What's going on?"

"It's hard to explain kid. The only other way I can give you all the details is if—" Cipher took a deep breath because he knew Pine Tree would never allow him to, "I go into your mind and show you the proof myself." He held out his hand, engulfed with blue flames.

Curiosity filled Dipper's brain. For some reason, after all these years and everything Bill has done to him and his family, there's a little feeling in his gut to trust him. His mind is telling him No, don't trust him. But his heart is telling him to trust him on this one. All his life he advised himself to listen to his head. But right now he'll take Mabel's advice to listen to his heart.

Dipper sighed. His head told him he was going to regret this later.

"What's in it for you?" Dipper asked suspiciously.

"Trust me Pine Tree, I want to do this. I'm breaking deals by doing this. But it means a lot to me..." he looked down at his shoes.

For once in his life, Dipper saw vulnerability in Bill's eyes. He took a deep breath and finally said, "Deal." and shook his hand.

"Just a heads up, but you might feel... overwhelmed after you see what I'm about to show you." Bill let go of the handshake.

"How do I know what you're about to show me is the truth? You've lied to me multiple times before."

"Kid, I'm restoring stolen memories form you. Memories you were forced to forget! And maybe it was for 'your own good' as quoted by your precious Great Uncle, the person who pulled the trigger of the memory gun! But it's just... I want — no, need — you to know about it. To remember... Me." his eyes started tearing up but he turned around before Pine Tree could see it.

Dipper looked at the forest ground. What did Bill mean by remembering him? Of course I remember Bill... Or else we wouldn't even be having this conversation. There's something he's not telling me. "I... I need to go. It's getting late and my Grunkle is probably waiting for me back at the shack. Goodbye, Bill." And Dipper started walking out of the forest, confused.

Bill didn't fight for him to stay. He knew that he was confused. His Pine Tree needed time to process everything. To 'analyze' it like he usually does. "I'll visit him tonight and show him everything... and tonight he'll  truly understand." he whispered to himself.

What did Bill mean by Dipper remembering him?

Why was Bill so vulnerable about the subject?

Why did he risk breaking a deal just to let Dipper know a little about their past?

Find out in the next chapter...

A/N: Ok ok I know that everything is confusing in this chapter and that Bill is out of character. But it'll make sense next chapter when Bill reveals everything to Dipper, I promise. Just bear with me. Until then ~


(Billdip) Until We Meet Again, My Dearest Pine Tree~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora