Chapter 5: Blast from the Past (Part 2)

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A/N : Yes, I'm too lazy to come up with a chapter name so I'm just gonna name it Part 2

He held Bill's hand tighter as the dream demon's eyes glowed blue, and Dipper's vision went white.

Dipper opened his eyes and blinked a few times. His vision started out a little hazy, but sharpened within moments. He was going to relive his forgotten — no, stolen — memories...

(A/N : bolded text will be Dipper's CURRENT thoughts and italicized text will be what's happening in the MEMORY.)

• Dipper's Pov •

I guess I'm in the memory now... It feels weird not being able to control what I'm seeing. I look like I'm about 12 years old.

"Mabel! Stan! I'm gonna go out into the forest and study a few nature nymphs. I'll be back later!" Dipper hollered to his family.

"Sure Kid. Be back by dark." Grunkle Stan replied.

A few hours go by searching for nature nymphs, but Dipper couldn't find any. It was about 5:30 pm on his watch and decided to just go home and look again tomorrow. As he walked up to the shack, he noticed the door was ajar, which is strange, because the Mystery Shack wasn't open on that day. He froze as he saw blood on the wooden floors, still fresh. He was scared to walk any further but forced himself to carry on. The floor creaked beneath him as he walked upon the trail of blood. He took a turn in the hallway and froze at his tracks.

"W-Wendy...? Stan?" Dipper stuttered, horrified to see their bloody bodies sprawled across the floor with several gashes on their abdomens. He freezes, too shocked and scared to move. His eyes trail over to the left and they land on....

"M-Mabel...?" His eyes start to tear up in anger and sadness and Dipper's legs give up and fall to floor next to his bloody sister. He finds a note next to her that says,

"This is what happens when you take our queen. If we cannot have her, no one can.

                         Yours Truly,
                                     The Gnomes"

Anger boils up in Dipper's stomach. "No! Mabel! Wake up! I-I can't..." he slams his hands to the floor, "I can't live without you Mabel! No! Pleasedontbedeadpleasedontbe deadpleasedontbedeadplease!" he shakily brings his fingers up to his twin's neck and checks for a pulse. Dipper relaxes a little as he feels a very very light pulse, but tenses at how small it actually is. Barely, but it's still there. He knows right off the bat that even if he did call the ambulance, they wouldn't make it in time to save her. With them being in the middle do the woods and all. And they'll ask what happened to them. They won't believe him if he said that gnomes came in and tried to murder them because she refused to be their queen. Dipper's heart rate spiked as he panicked and didn't know what to do. As his heart beat was ringing in his ears, the world around him became dull, as if the color and life was sucked out of it...

A yellow flashed before his eyes and everything around him stopped moving. Time froze.

"Hello Pine Tree."

"What do you want Bill?" Dipper snarled.

"My my Pine Tree, so aggressive already. I just want a favor," the triangle glowed.

"I'd never do a favor for you!"

"Oh really? Even as your sister, your old uncle, and your crush is dying?"

"What are you playing at Cipher?" Dipper raised an eyebrow.

"Originally, your Great Uncle was going to die of a heart attack at age 97. Red was going to die of a lumberjack accident at age 48 and Shooting Star's fate was to die of old age at 103. But the gnomes changed their fate. Red, Fez, and Shooting Star's pulse is still beating. Barely. But they only have about 2 minutes left before they leave this world." Bill explains.

Dipper's eyes widen as he figures out what Bill wants. "You want me to make... a deal? In exchange for their lives?"

"Ah, I knew you were smart, kid!" Bill snaps his fingers.

"B-but I don't know... what do you want?"

"A favor. Currently, I don't need anything from you right now. But I know in the future I will," He smirks, "One simple favor, in exchange for three lives." Bill notices Dipper's hesitation and blurts, "Tick tock Pine Tree! I can do many things, but I can't resurrect them once they lose their pulse!"

Dipper glances at his sister and back at Wendy to Stan. "Fine! Deal." Dipper shakes the demon's hand and the world around them restores its color and times starts again. He runs over to Mabel and notices that her wounds are closing up. Same thing with Stan and Wendy.

"D-Dipper?" Mabel stammers, looking up at her brother.

"MABEL!" Dipper hugs his sister tightly and starts to sob.

*Memory Over*

Dipper blinks a few times as he notices that the memory is over and that Bill is looking at him, straight in his eyes. "That's it?" Dipper asked.

"No, there are a lot more. That is the first memory of... us, that was taken from you. But I will visit you another time, another day for the others. For now, it is time for you to wake up. Good bye Pine Tree."

"Wait Bill—!"

*Waking World*

Dipper jumps out of bed and accidentally hits his head on the bed frame. "Damn!" he rubs the bump on his head and a million questions come to his mind immediately. What did Bill even mean by first memory of "us"? Why'd he only show me one part and not everything? Why would Great Uncle Ford take that memory away from me? My head hurts. So many questions but no answers...

Dipper catches himself starting to chew on a pen and stops before the ink spills.

I'll keep this to myself for now. I need to get all my memories back and get all the facts before I confront Ford.

"Dipping Sauce! Come down for breakfast!" he hears Mabel call for him downstairs.

I wonder if she remembers or if she was forced to forget like me. "Coming Mabes!"

I'm going to ask her about it when we're alone.

to be continued...

Hey guys! I'm glad I got to finally get done with this chapter today :D ! Please vote and comment, they are greatly appreciated! And don't forget to follow me for more updates on this book! Love you guys! <3

~Blossom xoxo 💋

(Billdip) Until We Meet Again, My Dearest Pine Tree~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora