Chapter 8: Don't Wake Me Up

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Dipper jerks up off of the forest floor. He's no longer surrounded by the familiar monotone world. He digs his fingernails into the cool dirt while he thinks about what the actual hell just happened to him.

Striding through the woods back to the shack, anger and confusion bubble up inside him. They knew, they fucking knew about it and tried to keep it from me.

He huffed out, frustrated. His cold hands reach for the doorknob to the shack, everyone sitting around the table with worried looks on their faces as their head whipped toward the door.

"Dipper! Where have you been bro bro!?" Mabel cried out.

"Just in the woods... are you okay?" Dipper asked.

"Am I okay?! Dipper, you were gone for 16 hours. It's 4 o'clock in the morning... you left the house yesterday at 12 pm," Mabel hugged him.

"Kid, don't run off like that. You had your sister worried sick," Grunkle Stan scolded.

"Sorry guys... I was just wandering around the forest and I guess I just K.O'ed .." Dipper lied.

"Never do that again. Could you imagine what could've happened if a paranormal creature would've gotten a hold of you?" Ford said.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm sorry, won't do it again," Dipper waved his hand sarcastically as he started walking up the stairs.


"Great Uncle Ford, what do you think is happening to him...?" Mabel asked, worry in her eyes.

"I don't know, Mabel. We just have to wait and see.." Ford looked down at the floor.


The moment Dipper opened the door to him and Mabel's room he just collapsed on his bed.

What's happening to me? Why did I just kiss this yellow dorito dream demon? Does he actually love me? What don't I remember? Are all my memories of Gravity Falls just fake? I need answers.

Dipper rolled around in his covers, trying to fall asleep, so he can see Bill again. But he found himself restless, his mind just would not stop racing with questions.

How did this happen?
Why did he say loved me?
Did I love him back?
Why did Ford think he could take this away from me?
What else was I forced to forget?
Are my memories even real anymore?
Is it all just a lie...?

Dipper huffed out frustratingly, rolling over again on his side.

"Bill..." Dipper cried out loud, "please help me go to sleep.. I need to talk to you." He wasn't sure if Bill could even hear him, but little did he know, the dream demon was watching from afar, waiting for the human to fall asleep into the dark night.


I'm sorry I haven't posted in a long time guys. A lot of shit's been happening with me, mixed in with laziness so here's a new chapter just for you :) New updating schedule: at least once a week. Don't forget to vote and comment, it really does give me inspiration to keep writing and updating new chapters. Thanks guys, love you all ❤️

~Blossom xoxo

(Billdip) Until We Meet Again, My Dearest Pine Tree~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora