Chapter 4: Blast from the Past

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Dipper walked away from Bill, confused. While striding back, he noticed that color returned to the world around him. He had a lot on his mind. "Bill..." Why did he feel a pang of guilt in the pit of his stomach for just walking away from him? What did Bill want to show him? So many damn questions, Dipper thought.

"Bro Bro! You're back! How ya feelin'?" Mabel squealed as she saw her younger twin coming out of the woods towards the Shack.

"I guess I feel fine, thanks Mabel." He looked around and decided not to tell her about Bill. Maybe later, but not now. I don't want to worry her, he thought.

"Okay Sir Dippingsauce! Unpack the rest of your stuff because I ain't touchin' your one month old laundry!"

Dipper laughed at his sister's scrunched up facial expression. "Washing clothes is a waste of time, I'm a busy guy!"

"Meow meow meow meow meow," she rolled her eyes. Dipper grabbed his bag and started to unpack in their old room up in the attic.

"Wow... I haven't even been in this room in like, years... I miss it." He gave a sad smile.

"Yeah, I do too. It was kind of overwhelming when I went up here while you were in the woods for like ever— hey what were you doing in the woods for hours anyways. Please don't tell me you raised the dead again."

"..." Dipper gave his twin sister a low chuckle and scratched the back of his neck. I was in the woods for hours? It didn't even feel that long. Maybe 45 minutes at most. Maybe Bill was just distracting me and caused me to lose track of time, he thought to himself. Then again, I kind of did raise the dead but not really at the same time.

"No no, of course I didn't raise the dead, Mabel," he looked to the left of her, "I was just walking around and stuff y'know... enjoying the forest view 'cause I haven't seen it all in years and I guess I lost track of time."

Mabel squinted at him. "Hm. Okay then." she shrugged.

"Soooo... Where's Grunkle Stan and Ford?" Dipper blurted, changing the subject. "I didn't get to talk to Ford much and I haven't even seen Stan yet."

"Ford is still down in the basement and Stan was out with... LAZY SUSAN!" Mabel squealed excitingly.

"W-wait what! STAN was out on a date?"

"Yuppers! I guess he decided he didn't want to die alone." Mabel laughed.

"Wow, I never would have guessed." he shrugged.

"KIDS!!!" They heard a deep voice coming from down stairs. They looked at each other and Mabel gave a toothy smile while they practically ran down the stairs.

"GRUNKLE STAN!!!!!" They yelled.

"MABEL! DIPPER! I missed you kids! Not really kids anymore, eh?" He scruffled Dipper's hair and hugged Mabel.

"We missed you Grunkle Stan!" Mabel practically screamed. "Where were you when we came to the shack?" Obviously, Mabel already knew the answer since Grunkle Ford told her, but she wanted to squeeze Grunkle Stan into telling them all the details. Yep, that's Mabel for you.

"I was... out." Stan scratched the back of his neck and chuckled.

After a few hours of catching up and Ford not even coming out of the basement, the twins decided to hit the hay. They found out that Soos moved out to Portland with Melody, eventually tying the knot with her. Wendy went to a college in South California. Occasionally, she still visited her friends and family back in the Falls though.

"Good night bro-bro," Mabel whispers, "First night in Gravity Falls after 4 years!" She pulls out a camera and takes a selfie with her and her younger twin. "Scrapbook-atunnity!" she squeals and places the camera on the desk next to her bed.

Dipper laughs at his sister's bubbly personality. She's been the same way she has been ever since their first visit to Gravity Falls. "G'night Madam Mabelton!" he teased, as he began to get up and turn off the light.

"Dippingsauce, I got this." all of a sudden she pulls out her old grappling hook and shoots it at the light, sparks flying. Just like old times. It's times like these he was glad to be back with his sister and in the place where he truly felt like he truly belonged — Gravity Falls. Dipper starts to drift off, forgetting about his deal with Bill Cipher and his encounter with him earlier that day.

Dipper wakes up in a gray scale world, no longer in his bed, but instead was in front of his house in Piedmont. Dipper gasped, "The Mindscape!" and tumbled backwards falling on his back.

"Indeed." he heard a familiar voice — Bill Cipher. He saw the look of fear in the boy's eyes. "Don't tell me you already forgot about our deal."

Dipper quickly remembered. "N-no, I haven't... What was your side of the deal again?"

"I'm giving you your memories because I want you to remember."

"Why would YOU want to do something for me?"

"You don't get it, kid—"

"Well then teach me to get it!" He yelled back at Bill, interrupting him.

"Let me show you your memories. Then you'll 'get it'." Bill used his fingers, quoting Dipper. He grabbed the human's hand and chanted words in Latin that Dipper didn't understand.

"You'll be reliving these moments through your own eyes, but you don't have any control on what you say, since you are seeing the past."

Dipper sighed deeply, eager to learn more about the past that was taken away from him. He held Bill's hand tighter as the dream demon's eyes glowed blue, and Dipper's vision went white.

to be continued...

I finally got myself to publish this chapter!! Sorry, I was busy going through personal biz. But I have so many ideas and plans for this fic, and I'm so excited to write about it and share it with you guys! Votes and comments are appreciated, thank you for reading! Until next time, lovelies~


(Billdip) Until We Meet Again, My Dearest Pine Tree~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora