Chapter 17: A Trip Down Memory Lane

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Dipper felt as if he were falling down a deep rabbit hole. He tried grabbing onto the air as he fell, to no avail. He shouted Bill's name in fear, and his body came to a sharp halt.

"Got you, Pine Tree." The demon caught him.

"Wh-what was that?! Why was I falling?" the human asked frantically.

"Well, the spell was a little shaky, since I was rushed by your uncle."


"The first memory I will display for you is Weirdmaggeddon. Now, tell me what you remember, or at least what your Uncle implanted into your mind."

Dipper could still remember what happened that day. Or at least what his uncle fabricated for him.

"I...I remember me and my sister... and this huge machine that McGucket built with the shack... and then my grunkles switched bodies, tricked you into going into the mind of Stan, and Ford shot Stan with the memory gun, erasing Stan's mind along with you in it. And then, years later, I find you again in the forest on that fateful day."

(A/N - The memories that are in Dipper's mind is what happened in canon Weirdmageddon; but for the sake of this fic, the entire apocalypse in Dipper's mind was created by Ford to implant it into Dipper's head to hide the REAL events of Weirdmageddon. We good? You understand? K cool onto the fic.)

Bill looked at Dipper with a confused and shocked face.

"What the hell?" Bill pondered himself for a moment. "That's... really creative, but I have to admit it's clever, and believable to an extent."

Dipper laughed and looked at his lover, with pupils dilated. Damn, his confused face and his laugh is so cute and adorable and funny and just—

Bill noticed Dipper's lovey dovey look and chucked softly. "Earth to Dipper?"

"Huh? Oh..." Dipper blushed sheepishly and remembered the conversation about his memories. "W-Well, anyways th-that's all I remember from that day, at least..."

"It's definitely interesting. But let's go into your mind shall we?" Bill disappeared out of thin air, and the world around them turned a deep, dark green color around them as Dipper once again, fell towards the floor.

Bill caught him again, laughing.

"I am not some damsel in distress! Stop doing that." Dipper huffed, lightly frustrated.

Bill rolled his eyes and said, "Maybe not in distress, but you definitely need saving from your knight and shining armor."

Dipper glared at Bill, who was coughing, "*COUGHING* me *COUGHING*"

"Shut up, you dork." Dipper teased.

"Oh pleas— "


Their bickering got cut short by a screaming voice coming from the end of the dark green-toned tunnel.

Dipper's head snapped his head towards the sound and just dashed off.

"Dipper?! What are you doing?!" Bill ran after his lover, in fear he may go into shock if he were to find too many memories at once.

Bill found the boy looking off at a big black and white screen with tears streaming from his beautiful, big brown eyes.

"HE WAS THE ONE PERSON WHO ACTUALLY CARED ABOUT ME!" a hurt and crying 15 year old Dipper Pines screamed with glowing blue eyes at his Uncle Ford. "I WILL KILL YOU, I SWEAR TO GOD—IF THERE EVEN IS ONE—I WILL KILL YOU!"

"Dipper, calm down, please—" Mabel pleaded next to him.

"NO!" He pushes Mabel out of the way, gathering blue energy in the palm of his hand and about to aim it at Ford.

But before he was able to, Ford shot him with the memory gun himself, causing Dipper to faint from trying to harness too much power at once and then losing focus with anger.

The screen shut off to a black screen.

As soon as it shuts off, Dipper breaks down into tears.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! Bill, I... I was a monster. I was a fucking monster, wh-why did I do that? Was it erased so that I wouldn't be able to return to that hostileness?" Dipper fell into Bill's arm in exhaustion.

"Shhh... shh baby, calm down. Calm down. It's okay. I'll explain it to you." He kissed him softly.

The boy looked up at the demon's face with tear-kissed eyes. "I was a monster."

"No, no you weren't. I will explain what happened." He took a deep breath and said with an almost lullaby voice, "You lost me. I died that day. Or, as dead as you could get as a demon, at least. I was your sire; I was the one who turned you into a demon. And you were still in your early stages of being a demon, and you panicked when you saw me die. Your strong feelings for me mixed in with the fact that I was your sire—which causes us to have a strong bond—you went into complete panic and anger. I don't blame you though. You are not a monster. I would've acted a lot more hastily if I ever lost you." He cupped Dipper's cheek and pulled him closer to his face to connect them with a kiss.

He felt Dipper's heart beat slow down, succumbing himself into calmness. That kiss was what Dipper needed right now—he needed it to distract him from what he just saw.

"C-Can we just stay here for the night? I don't want to see anymore memories right now..."

"Of course. Whatever you need, Sapling." Bill cradled his love in his arms, as he laid on top of him.

Bill loved to just look at him. Look at his features. His brown curly hair, his smooth light ivory skin, his big eyes that were closed and currently covered by his long lashes. The way his chest slightly moved up and down as he slept with small snores. His small button nose and perfect soft lips.

At that moment, Bill wished he could just spend all of his immortality looking at his lover like this.

(Billdip) Until We Meet Again, My Dearest Pine Tree~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora