Chapter 6: Does She Remember?

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Does she even remember what happened that day when we were 13?

"Hey Mabes," Dipper greets at the table.

"Hey bro-ceph!" she exclaimed cheerfully, "Guess what? I made STANCAKES!!" she paused and made jazz hands, "Just like when we were thirteen!"

"Thanks for making breakfast sweetie," Stan said as he walked to the table. He grabbed his Stancakes and walked to the TV to continue watching Ducktective.


Dipper heard shuffling coming from down the basement and the footsteps became louder and louder as Ford walked closer.

"Thanks Mabel for making breakfast. But... I need to tell you something."

"What is it Grunkle Ford?" Mabel asked worriedly as she sat down to eat her food.

"You-you guys can't stay here in Gravity Falls."

"WHAT!" The twins shouted in unison.

"I'm serious, it's much too dangerous here for you. Ever since Weirdmageddon happened, and I almost lost you two, I just... don't want you to get hurt because of me."

"But Great Uncle Ford, Weirdmageddon happened so long ago..." Dipper mumbled.

"Yes, but it could very much happen again. I can't risk that."

"Can it, Poindexter," Stan appears from the hallway, "That apocalypse stuff happened a long ass time ago, and we haven't even seen the kids in a long time. Aren't you even happy we got to see them after six freaking years? They're adults now, they can stay here in Gravity Falls if they want to. And didn't you kill that overgrown Dorito when you zapped my brain or whatever?"

Ford sighs at his brother's argument and pinches the bridge of his nose. "Of course I'm happy they're here, Stanley. But I just feel like its too dangerous here." He runs a six fingered hand through his graying hair. "and yes, I did k-kill him..."

Dipper quirked an eyebrow at the stutter. A guilty look flashed across the author's face, but it disappeared as quickly as it came. Liar, Dipper thought.

"Anyways, stay here if you want, I guess. I'm going down to the basement. Just be careful in this town, okay? Thank you again for the Stan cakes, Mabel," with that, the man walked back to the vending machine and returned to his research.

"Whatever, Poindexter." Stan mumbles as he rinses his used plate and goes back to his TV marathon.

"Anyways, HOW ARE THE STANCAKES DIP? You haven't talked at all this morning." Mabel pointed out.

The sudden loudness from his sister caused Dipper to flinch a little. "U-Uh it's nothing...!"

"UhhUhhhh it's nothing!!" Mabel waves her hands around, imitating her younger brother. "Are you seriously not gonna tell me?" she giggled.

Dipper sighed and leaned back into his chair. Okay Dipper, this is the perfect time to ask her about the gnomes and how they almost tried to kill her and the family...! No big deal, right? RIGHT? he panicked.

"Um. Hellooo!! Earth to Dipper!" Mabel shook his shoulders vigorously.

"Hey, um Mabel? W-What do you remember about the gn-gnomes?" Dipper asked meekly.

Mabel's smile faltered for a moment, but she quickly covered it up with a fake grin and couldn't look straight into Dipper's eyes. Uh oh. Not a good sign.

"Those weird little p-people in the woods who tried to marry me?" Mabel managed to squeak out, playing with her hair, a nervous habit she had since they were little.

(Billdip) Until We Meet Again, My Dearest Pine Tree~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora