Chapter 12: The Rescue

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Dipper stumbled back and hit his was against the wall. Hard.

What the hell was that?

Dipper's head hurt like hell. "Ugh," he groaned loudly.

"Dipper?" Ford peeped his head from around the corner. "Dipper!" He hurried over to him, seeing a him on the floor curled in a ball holding his head.

"Ugh," Dipper groaned.

"Dipper, are you okay?" Ford asked worriedly. "Did you hit your head anywhere?"

"No, no. Um, I just got a headache all of a sudden," Dipper shook him off.

Ford glanced at the table next to him, with the pictures all sprawled out. Shit, he might've gotten a flashback. What if Mabel was right, what if he actually is starting to remember?

"Dipper, you have to tell me exactly what happened." Ford stared at him dead into his eyes.

Dipper racked his head for excuses, "Nothing happened, I just walked down here and my head started hurting. It might've been because of the elevation or something."

Ford looked at him skeptically. "Hm, fine. Go upstairs then. And don't come down here again."

"Okay, okay, I won't." Dipper walked back up the stairs shrugging his shoulders at him.

Ford made sure he was all the way up the stairs before he turned around and locked the door. He trotted forward to one of his machines and turned it on. I promised myself I'd never use this again after what had happened. I am almost scared to look at it. The screen brightened and he typed his password.

"Let's see what you've been up to, Dipper."


Dipper looked around, feeling chilled. Was that.. a memory? Bill didn't tell me anything about flashbacks or visions. He opened the fridge to open a Pitt-Cola can and sat down on the couch.

*White Flash*

"Hey Pine Tree!" Bill gleamed as he threw himself into the couch.

"Oh hey Bill," Dipper blushed slightly. He was eating some left over cake on his lap from the party. He scooted over the couch so that Bill had some room to sit.

"Where's Shooting Star and Sixer?"

"They went out to run some errands. They've actually been out for a while... it's like, 10 o'clock. Where are they?"

"Not sure. But wanna watch some TV to pass the time?" Bill shrugged.

"Sure, I guess."

They went and browsed through Netflix, not really knowing what to watch.

"You know what? Netflix barely has any good movies anymore," Dipper groaned.

"Yeah, you wanna just skip movies altogether?" Bill smirked slightly.

"And do what? There's nothing to do in this damn shack." Dipper rolled his eyes.

"I can think of a few things..." Bill leaned closer and closer to Dipper and Dipper just froze there in place not knowing what to do.

Oh my god oh my god oh my god, his mind screamed at him. Why aren't you backing away Dipper?!

Because you want him. You need him.

Dipper started to lean in a little more closer.

Their lips were about to touch and then—

"WE'RE HOMEEEE!" Mabel's voice ricocheted throughout the living room.

Dipper jumped, "AaaHHgghH!"

"Woah, it looks like you saw a ghost or something," Mabel giggled as Ford carried some bags into the kitchen. "What are y'all doing?"

"UhHHh w-we were j-just aboutta wa-watch—"

"We were aboutta watch a movie on Netflix," Bill cut in.

Dipper blushed immensely and looked at Bill will nervous eyes.

"Oh really?" She jumped and shimmied her way into the small couch and gleamed, "Why don't we watch The Notebook!"

"Ugh, Mabel no way—" Dipper complained.

"What's The Notebook?" Bill asked.

"A cheesey romance chick flick." Dipper complained.

"—AND THE BEST MOVIE EVER! COME ON BILL I GOTTA SHOW YOUUU!" Mabel beamed, "You guys go get the snacks and I'll look for it. There should be some in those bags over there that Great Uncle Ford brought in." She pointed at the kitchen and off they went.

"Bill, what the hELL WAS THAT?"

"What the hell was what?" Bill shrugged, voice monotone.

"That! Y-you leaning in close to me a-and—"

"You had something on your lip," Bill looked at him innocently, bringing his hand to Dipper's lip, wiping off some frosting with his thumb. He licked it off his own thumb and mumbled, "Mm,

Dipper gaped at him and grabbed the popcorn and ran.


Bill chuckled slowly and grabbed the ice cream and candy to walk back to the living room.

(Billdip) Until We Meet Again, My Dearest Pine Tree~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora