Chapter 18: The Machine

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A strong, yellow light flashes before Ford's eyes, blinding him and causing him to cover his eyes in pain. He looked up once again, to see his great nephew and the dream demon out of sight.

"Damn it!" Ford's face grew hot with anger as he threw a rock across the sky.

He walked back to the shack to Mabel, who was tied up with tears in her eyes and whimpers muffled with a cloth in his lab.

"Don't worry Mabel, soon you'll forget alllllll about this whole incident." Ford looked at her with fake innocent looking eyes.

He shot her again with the memory gun, and once again, she fell down and gave up.

"Wh...Where am I?" she mumbled, eyes closed in a daze.

"You're home, Mabel." Ford said almost lovingly, whilst carrying her to a certain machine.

He strapped her up in the seatbelt on the chair, and placed the helmet connected to hundreds of wires.

"N...No, p-please... don't strap me... it hurts..." she said sleepily, "w-what're you d-doing to me?"

"Each and every one of these wires connects to every part of your brain to fabricate memories and to trick you into thinking its real. It replaces old with new, but with enough exercising, the brain can learn to see the old memories." Ford explained.

"No... no please don't take them away– I love them..." she begged. "D...Dipper. My brother... You did this to him... too. Didn't you...?"

"Yes, but you will not remember this, Mabel, once I replace your memories." He turned on the machine and started the process. Lightning flashes through out the room, and her eyes close shut in pain. She screeched as loud as a banshee, as he place locks onto her memory banks.

"Now, let's see..." he scanned her mind through his computer, and implanted false memories of her over at Candy's house. He scrolled all the way down to when he first erased Dipper's memories of Weirdmaggeddon, and Mabel was crying at the loss of Dipper's memories of them.

"How could you do this?! You erased all his memories from this summer?!" Mabel shoved Ford.

"Mabel, I can't have him remember anything from this summer just in case Bill returns and lures him back." Ford explained.

"I hate you. I hate you so, so much. You couldn't just erase the parts with Bill in it? We had so many memories together this summer and now you just took it all away? How dare you!" she hissed with anger.

"Mabel, I understand that you're mad. But I created a new machine that can alter memories or put new ones in."

"W-what? You... you mean you can... replace the old memories with fake ones?"

"Yes. I haven't perfected it yet or tested it, but it has a 95% accuracy of completely disposing old memories and replacing them with the fabricated ones."

"So you'll just mess around in his head? What memories would you give him? Bill's been here almost all summer—"

"I'll just delete the thought of the Bill Dipper loves and replace him with the memory of the power hungry reckless demon he once was before taking his human form and reform the events of Weirdmaggeddon completely."

"Fine. I'm with you. Whatever helps my bro-bro the most, I guess..."

"Things will soon go back to the way in was before. But we must bring him to the shack immediately before he starts to question us," Ford said, looking at an unconscious Dipper on the forest ground.

"Fine. Let's go." Mabel huffed.

Ford hovers the mouse of his computer over to put a red lock over the selected memory. He still hasn't figured out how to completely dispose of the memory. I need more research, he thought to himself as he was fabricating a new, false memory to replace the old one. If he didn't, the subject would be left dazed and confused and has a higher chance of remembering. Dipper was a special case, though. He had a master of the mind unlock the memories for him, which is more powerful than any machine a mortal could ever make.

He proceeded to give Mabel the same fake memory that he had given Dipper the first time. He knew in the beginning that if he let Mabel know about the memory replacing machine, she'd overreact eventually.

"I should have done this a long time ago," Ford murmured as he turned it on, "I knew you'd get in my way."

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⏰ Última actualización: Feb 03, 2018 ⏰

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