Chapter 11: I Love You, Pine Tree.

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"I'm sorry, Pine Tree. I-I don't have enough power right now to show you the rest of the memory. But I can probably show you tomorrow, okay?" Bill gave a sad looking smile and brushed Dipper's curls out of his face and cupped his cheek.

"...It's okay Bill," Dipper sighed and leaned into his hand.

Bill's image started to flicker once again, indicating that he is shutting down.

"Why do you flicker like that?" Dipper asked curiously.

"What your Great Uncle did to me took a toll on my powers. I'll heal myself soon." Bill looked down.

"Wh-What did he do to you?" Dipper stuttered, as Bill was slowly fading away. "I'm not even sure if my memories are even real anymore..."

"That story is for another time. I love you, Pine Tree." Bill grabbed Dipper's chin and kissed him slightly, and his image finally disappeared completely, and the Dreamscape collapsed.

Dipper flinched up off of the couch. He rubbed his eyes and yawned. He brought his hand up to his lips, still feeling Bill's kiss and electrifying his entire being.

"Hey Bro-ceph. You okay? Looks like you had a nightmare," Mabel sits herself down next to her brother on the couch.

"Quite the opposite, actually..." he gave a small smile and chuckled.

"Oh... okay then..." Mabel glances to the side and thinks, I bet Bill visited him; he probably knows we're back in Gravity Falls. "You've been asleep for a while."

"Really? How long have I been out?"

"Like 4 hours or something. Want something to eat?"

"Um, no thanks Mabes, I'm okay." Dipper scratches the top of his head.

"Oh okay then. Um, I'll be at Candy's house for a sleepover with Grenda to catch up. Call me if you need anything okay?"

"Alright." Dipper shrugged. He watched her grab a few duffle bags and walk out the door into a cab. He looked around the shack, not really knowing what to do. He tried looking for his Great Uncles, but they were no where to be found. Dipper walked into the Gift Shop and found that the vending machine was open, and walked down the hall to the old portal room. He saw a table with pictures of paranormal anomalies sprawled out across it. One of them catches his eye, and he notices it's the Gremloblin.

All of a sudden, he feels a sharp pain in his head.

"Fuck," he holds his forehead in his hands and takes a seat on the floor. When he closed his eyes, a white light flashes inside his head.

"Finally got a chance to get out of that freaking Shack. I always feel so suffocated in that shack with Bill staying there." Dipper says, running out into the woods alone. He takes Journal 3 out of his vest and starts to flip through the pages.

"SHIT!" Dipper screams, as he gets his foot caught in a bear trap. The sharp rods dig deep into his foot, causing them to bleed and his to cry out in agony. "Someone help me! PLEASE!"

He hears rustling in the woods, thinking a camper or hiker heard him and is coming to help him.

But the rustling turned into hard stomps, and trees getting knocked down. Dipper's stomach drops as he hears an all too familiar growl.

The Gremloblin spots Dipper, and Dipper ignores looking straight into his eyes, in fear of seeing his worst nightmare.

The monster roars that shakes the entire forest. It runs towards the boy, and grabs him off the ground and throws him at a tree, like a rag doll.

Dipper coughs up blood and manages to say, "Someone help me... p-please..."

"Pine Tree?" Dipper sees someone in the distance, but it's just a blur of colors.

All he hears as his vision goes dark are rumbles and roars and a loud thump, like something heavy falling to the ground.

Bill runs over to Dipper saying, "Pine Tree, you need to stay awake for me, okay? You can't die on me, kid! Oh crap— your leg, it's bleeding." The demon quickly pries off the bear trap and rips a piece of his jacket to rap around his leg.

"B-Bill?" Dipper murmurs.

"Yes Pine Tree?" Bill desperately breaths.

"Is it gone?"

"Yes, it's dead now. Stop talking, I need you to save your energy. Do not fall asleep."

"Th-thank you, Bill." He coughs out, before closing his eyes into a deep slumber.

"Pine Tree!"

*Then it was black...*

All he saw was darkness, but he heard beeping. And his foot hurt like hell.

"Pine Tree, are you awake...?"

Who's voice was that? He can't remember. He was too tired to care.

Bill saw Dipper's eyes open slightly.

"Pine Tree! Are you okay?" Bill asked desperately.

"Is... is the monster... dead, Bill?" Dipper whispers, slightly moving in the hospital bed.

"Yes, yes it's gone forever. You're safe now. Thank the stars you're okay..."

"Bill, I-I thought I was gonna die," tears started to well up in Dipper's eyes.

Bill walked towards him in the hospital bed and hugged him tightly. "Pine Tree, it's okay, you're safe now, I promise. I'm never letting you get hurt again."

Dipper didn't know why or how— but he felt completely safe in Bill's arms. And that's all that mattered in that exact moment.


Author's Note:

The words that are italicized are memories. Dipper experienced a flashback of him and Bill when he saw a picture of the Gremloblin, and it triggered a lost memory.

I'm sorry that I was very inactive. I was gone for four months, and I wanted to apologize. But I am trying my best to update this as much as possible. As for my other book, Once in a Lifetime (Rev!Dipper x Dipper Pines), I don't even know if I'm going to continue it. I have writers block with that book. But with this one, I know I am going to finish it. And yes, I know that things are slow in the book but the pace will pick up by the next chapter. When you guys comment your thoughts, vote, or follow, it really does encourage me to write more chapters and update more often. Until then lovelies~

Blossom xoxo <3

(Billdip) Until We Meet Again, My Dearest Pine Tree~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora