Chapter 9: Explain.

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The sun rose and sun light was shining through the triangular window. Dipper was still restless, and even more frustrated than he was before. He couldn't fall asleep— no matter how mentally and physically tired he was. He looked at his phone and saw that it was 8:00 am.

"Ugh, fuck it."

He ruffled his hair and got out of bed, giving up.

"...Dipper? You up?" Mabel peered from the doorway.

"Hm? Oh, yeah I'm up," he shrugged.

"You really scared me yesterday. I thought... that y-you..." Mabel choked up.

"Mabel... it's okay. I'm okay," he reassured her.

"What if — what if something got to you while you were sleeping? Like the gnomes, some paranormal creature or even—" she paused and swallowed.

"Who?" Dipper asked.

"...Bill," she had a genuine look of worry in her eyes.

Dipper stared at her with a blank face. Play along, play along. Make her think you don't remember anything.

"Why would Bill get to me in the forest? I thought Grunkle Stan... killed him," he played along.

"Well yeah... he did. But, I don't know. This is Gravity Falls. Anything can happen. And who knows what can happen if he gets his hands on you again," she looked down.

"Again?" he questioned.

"What? Again? Wha— must've slipped, my bad sorry," she awkwardly chuckled.


"What's up bro bro?" she scratched her neck nervously.

"You're hiding something from me. What is it." Dipper tried to squeeze the information out of her.

"It's nothing Dipper, I swear—"

"Mabel don't lie to me!" Dipper yelled, frustrated.

"I'm not lying to you Dipper! It was just a slip up okay?! God." she hissed.

"Fine." Dipper stomped off down the stairs to the kitchen, leaving Mabel alone in their room.

\(^ . ^)/

Mabel let out a huff and sat down on her bed.

What is up with Dipper? Ever since we came back, he's been acting weird. What if... he's actually remembering again? Great Uncle Ford thinks it's normal, but I know for sure it's not. If he starts to remember Bill, he will fall in love with him, and Bill will just take advantage of him again. I can't have that happen. I won't let it happen. I guess if Grunkle Stan can retrieve his memories again, so can Dipper. I'll have to run a few tests to see if he actually is gaining his memory back.

\(^ . ^)/

Dipper pulls out some cereal from the cup board and pours it into the bowl with some milk. He walks out onto the couch and watches some tv. He feels a little sleepy, since he was pretty much left restless last night. His eyes close, and he allows the darkness consume him.

A bright yellow glow comes from the corner of his vision. The glow slowly sharpens into human Bill.

"Bill?" Dipper echoes into his mind.

"Hey Pine Tree!" the demon chimes.

"You need an explanation for what happened yesterday."

"I know, I know. And I'm sorry for... surprising you yesterday. I have a lot to tell you. And what happened and how you ended up... here."

To be continued...

(Billdip) Until We Meet Again, My Dearest Pine Tree~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora