Chapter 16: Destroy Him.

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"No, that... that demon got to him! I must put a stop to this. Immediately." He growled.

The author heard faint foot steps behind him.

"I can't let you do that."


"Gr-Great Uncle Ford, I can't have you take his memories again," Mabel cried out, holding a gun in her hands.

"M-Mabel... put the gun down." Ford stuttered.

"No! You listen to me, Uncle Ford. Ever since you erased his memories and replaced them with your stupid machine, my brother hasn't been the same."

"I did it so that he wouldn't be heartbroken, Mabel! You know that." Ford reminded her. "And now everything is coming back to him, he's morphing back into the demon Bill Cipher planted in him! I saw it in his eyes this morning! Don't you see, he will take advantage of Dipper again. I may have suppressed it a little after we erased his memory of it, but he can still gain it back if Bill wanted it to. If Dipper completes his transformation as a demon, Cipher will become unstoppable."

"But there has to be another way to convince him not to go back to Bill. Like talking to him or something!" Mabel suggested. "I'm not letting you take another memory away from him, that day you stole it from him, you also stole a part of his soul and he was never the same again." Her finger started to tremble against the trigger.

"Don't you get it? He's in too deep with Bill. He'll never go back, after finding out about that we replaced his Weirdmageddon memories."

"N-No I won't let you do tha—"

Ford shot her with the forgetting gun. She falls onto the cold hard ground with her eyes open wide.

"I'm sorry sweetie, but you're not going to get in my way this time."


"Take me with you. Show me my stolen memories. I want to know everything there is to know. I trust you. I love you." Dipper confessed.

"I'll do it." Bill said, "It'll be much better once you know the whole truth, my sapling." He held the human's hand tightly. "What's happening to you, is that you're... turning back into a demon."

"What?! I'm... I'm a demon? H-How is that even possible—"

"I'll explain it all when we're in your head together. Now. I'm going to chant a spell three times that will take you out of the waking world and into your mind scape, and I will be there with you the whole time.

"Can't wait." Dipper held the demon's hand.

Bill and Dipper's eyes both started to glow blue. "Et hoc animus mihi liceat intrare eum removere a—"

Dipper saw a bush shuffle in the distance and saw a glint of light from it.

Ford's glasses.

"DUCK, BILL!" Dipper shoved Bill out of the way from a shot of light coming from Ford's gun.

"Damn it! Get out of the way Dipper!" Ford hissed.

"Pine Tree, c'mon we need to finish the spell in order for you to get your memories back! We need to go now!" the demon hollered.

"He's lying to you, Dipper, can't you see? He manipulated you to the point where you didn't even know how to make your own decisions anymore! He used you to get to me, Dipper, and to take over the universe! Come back to me, and I'll make everything okay again." Ford persuaded.

Bill retorted back, "He's lying to you, Pine Tree! You see that forgetting device in his hand? Why would he even bring that here if he wouldn't use it on you! It doesn't work on demons while they're in human form. You go back to him, and you'll get zapped back to square one—"

"Shut up, you damn demon!" Ford cut in.

"Gr-Great Uncle Ford, why should I trust you after you've stolen my memories before and kept such a huge part of my life from me...?" Dipper cried.

"Because, Dipper. You were so heartbroken when I got rid of Bill, it hurt seeing you—"

"Stop lying to him! Feeding him lies from your palm isn't going to work anymore because he already knows that you've stolen from him. Come on Dipper, let's go! Now!" the demon yelled. He started chanting the spell in Latin to start the process.

"Goodbye, Grunkle Ford." Dipper whispered, while he took his lover's hand and whisped away in to the demon realm of dreams.

to be continued...

(Billdip) Until We Meet Again, My Dearest Pine Tree~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora