Chapter 14: SOS

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Ford watched Dipper run up the stairs and tried going after him, but heard a door slam instead. Walking down the stairs, he murmured, "Mabel was right. He is remembering," he said to himself, "I don't want to do this again," his voice dropped to a low pitch. "But I have to," he whispered as he held the memory gun in his hand.


Dipper stayed in his room for the rest of the day, not coming out. He laid on his bed, dazed and confused. Were the glowing eyes and loud echoing voice happening because he was remembering again? No— why would he be able to harvest magic just because of memories? That can't be it... The only person he could think of that would have answers was...


Dipper waited until the sky turned dark so that he could escape the shack, without Ford knowing.

He climbed out of the window and jumped down onto the grass. He started to briskly walk to Bill's statue. He summoned him, "Bill Cipher!"

The world turned grey and a blue light flashed. "You called, Sapling?" the demon asked, resting his chin on the tip of his cane.

"B-Bill... something scary happened to me today..." Dipper whimpered.

"What happened? Tell me," the demon said.

"Ford told me not to go into the woods anymore... Do you think he's onto us?"

"It's possible. He may think that going back into the woods is triggering your memory to come back."

"A-And... while me and him were fighting..." the human started to tremble slightly.


"...My eyes turned a glowing blue and my voice echoed so loud it shook the walls of the shack."

Bill looked at Dipper with wide eyes. He cupped his face with one hand and looked straight into his eyes. "Do not worry, love, this will only pinch a bit."

"Flesruoy wohs dna tuo emoc nomed!Flesruoy wohs dna tuo emoc nomed!Flesruoy wohs dna tuo emoc nomed!"
Bill chanted.

Dipper yelped loudly as he felt himself float up and off the ground with a blue glow surrounding his being.

"It can't be..." the demon whispered.

"Bill, what's happening to me?" Dipper cried.

The dream demon held his hand, calming Dipper down, causing him to drift back down to the ground.

"Pine Tree," Bill murmured, "it's a lot to explain."

"I want to know everything." the human stood firm.

Bill objected, "What? No you're not ready—"

"I don't care! I want to know everything, I've been getting these weird flashbacks and memories and these weird feelings ever since I came here! Bill, I want answers!" he demanded.

"You can end up forgetting everything if I unlock the memories too soon! I don't want you to forget me again, Pine Tree! I can't have you forget me again, leaving me here to rot in this damn forest for who knows how long until I'm able to regenerate! It could take hundred of years until I can come back and by then you'd be dead!" the demon cried out.

"I will be okay. Even if I don't remember you, you know where to find me and help me..." Dipper hugged the demon tightly. "I love you, Bill."

Bill held him softly, he hasn't heard those words come out of his lips in a very, very long time. "I love you too, Pine Tree."

\(^.^)/ *cut to the shack* \(^.^)/

Ford knocks on Dipper's door. "Dipper?"

He hears no response. "Look, I know it's scary to not know what's happening to you right now. But if you come out, I can fix everything, I promise." He said through the door, holding the memory gun behind his back, ready to shoot.

No response again. "Dipper? Are you in there?" Ford unlocked the door to the room and found no one. "Dipper!" He yelled through the window frantically scanning the woods to see if he could see his great nephew. He ran downstairs to his lab and opened Journal 1, flipping through the pages to find a page containing an old chant.

"I call upon the All Seeing Eye,
To tear a hole into the sky.
Reveal to me that which is hidden,
Unveil to me what is forbidden."

(Peep that Star vs. the Forces of Evil Reference tho)

A purple light flowed throughout the room, and a holograph coming from the book opened a portal, showing Bill and Dipper together in the woods, hugging together tightly.

"I love you, Bill."

"I love you too, Pine Tree."

Ford's heartbeat thumped against his chest as he watched them, as if it would flop out right then and there.

"No, that... that demon got to him! I must put a stop to this. Immediately." He growled.

The author heard faint foot steps behind him.

"I can't let you do that."

to be continued...

(Billdip) Until We Meet Again, My Dearest Pine Tree~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora