Chapter Four

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(Dipper's POV)

A few days had past with no sign of Bill or where his power could be. That was our main concern; if we were able to collect his power before he got to it, he wouldn't be a problem. Or if someone else got ahold of it Ford said that the power would corrupt them and make them as bad as Bill. Soos was keeping the Mystery Shack open while Ford and Stan were looking for anything peculiar that might give away the location of Bill's misplaced powers. Mabel and I were helping Soos with the gift shop since neither of the Stans had any use for us.

"Dipper look at this!" Mabel had glued deer antlers to one of her headbands and was walking around running into things. I laughed when she hit a wall and a piece of shelving fell onto her head. "Ow." She rubbed her head.

"Seriously Mabel, don't you think you're a little too old to be doing stuff like that?" I asked her.

"I will never be too old to have fun." She responded. I began putting the shelf and the objects that were on it back where they had been before. When I turned around Mabel was talking to Soos, and the Shack was empty other than us. Then the door opened. The person who had just entered the Shack had a hoodie on and the hood up so I couldn't see his face. That kind of reminds me of Robbie. I wonder where that guy is? Not that I would want to see him again, I just want to make sure I can stay as far away from him as possible.

"Welcome to the Mystery Shack." Soos welcomed the new customer like normal. The customer looked at Soos but didn't respond and checked the room until he seemed to find what he was looking for. By now even Mabel had stopped talking. What is he doing?

"Um hello?" I walked up to the strange man. He turned around to face me.

"Have you been lying recently because your pants are on fire." Was all that he said. What is he talking- Holy shit my pants are on fire!! I started trying to pat the fire out, but it wasn't working and the flames only grew.

"Why am I on fire?!" I shouted and began panicking. Where is the fire extinguisher? I'm not taking my pants off in front of a stranger, so how am I supposed to put this fire out. I was about to run for the fire extinguisher that was on the other side of the room, but that stranger made it there before I did.

"Don't lose your cool." He said before throwing it at me, and almost hitting me with it. The hell's wrong with this guy? Not wanting to waste anymore time then I needed I used the fire extinguisher on myself. There were holes in my pants and probably second degree burns on my lower thighs, but the freezing foam from the fire extinguisher numbed all the pain. I am so happy that fire wasn't any higher. Once my emergency was handled I looked around to see that this stranger's rampage wasn't over yet. The next thing he did was go to the shelving with snowglobes and began knocking them all to the ground; breaking most of them.

"Yo dude what are you doing?" Soos tried stopping the guy, but was just brushed off.

"Let it snow, let it snow, let is snow." The man was singing as he broke the snowglobes. For the first time since he arrived I got a good look at his face. He had bright blonde hair and somehow looked familiar. Not that it looked like I had seen him before, I would have remembered if I saw someone as good looking as him, but that I knew him somehow. Same with his voice; I feel like I've heard it before. Talk about a weird feeling.

"Don't you dare." Mabel warned the stranger who had just made it to the candy at the front of the gift shop. That was her haven, and if he as much as ruined one piece of candy he would be in for it.

"I dare." He said before dumping the candy on the ground and stomped on it; all the while keeping eye contact with my sister. "Well this has been fun and all, but I really do have more important fish to fry." Finally the rude customer left.

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