Chapter Twenty-Two

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I'm sorry about all of the OCs in the coming up chapters. It's just that I need them, and most of them won't make it to the last chapter anyways. ;)


It's been a full year since the events at Gravity Falls and Mabel and Dipper's last year of high school is about to start. Stan and Ford have not found anything new on Bill's whereabouts or what to do if they find him. Dipper still hasn't felt any different from the day he left Gravity Falls. During the summer he completed his own journal. It is mainly filled with the knowledge he received over that one summer. And as for Mabel, well, she's finally got a steady relationship going.

(Dipper's POV)

Today is the first day of our last year of high school. Part of me was excited for school to start, the summer gives me too much free time to think of things I probably shouldn't. Especially since I had finished filling out that journal Ford had given me. Some pages were just filled with random theories, but most of it was on theories of how that dimension travel Bill took really works. I never asked him about it, but I was able to talk to Ford about it; though he didn't seem to know much more than I do.

"Dipper, hurry up. I'm not waiting for you all day." Mabel shouted to me from the doorway. She was very impatient, but that was because we were supposed to meet up with her boyfriend before school. Whenever she said his name I would always end up rolling my eyes. I, myself, wasn't a big fan of him. However, it seemed as though everyone else likes him. So I tried to be as nice to him as I could manage.

"Well it's not going to take me all day." I responded as I started walking down the stairs to the front door. Mabel was waiting for me there. "You don't have to wait for me you know."

"It wouldn't feel right if I just left you behind." She said crossing her arms.

"Whatever." I mumbled. We started walking to school. I knew we would run into Mabel's boyfriend any minute now.

"Josh!" She cheered. I didn't even turn to look at him. Now, normally I would be supportive of my sister and at least act like I like the person she's dating, but Josh. We've never had much of an interaction, but there was just something about him that I didn't trust.

"Hey Mabel. Dipper." He really was nice enough, but still.

"Hey." I answered. Just because I didn't like him doesn't mean I was going to ruin Mabel's relationship, right?

"Hey Dipper!" I heard a familiar voice yell from behind me. It was Oliver. He had become my friend last year; I mean I've known him for a while, but he wouldn't even say hi to me until last year.

"What are you doing here?" He lived on the other side of town so it was weird to see him here, unless something important happened. Though normally he would only text me. Not show up randomly.

"I was hoping I would be able to stop by before you left and give you this. Obviously, I didn't make it in time." He said and held out a notebook. We bonded on our mutual appreciation for the paranormal, and he happily helped me with my journal over the summer. Though, I found it strange he didn't call me crazy when I told him about Bill and the weirdmaggeddon. I had thought for sure that he would never talk to me again when I told him those things, but he surprised me. For a while after that I was suspicious of him, but after all of my testing he seemed to just be a very superstitious person. Or didn't care if he was friends with a crazy person.

"What is it?" I asked as he walked beside me.

"I think I figured out how the dimension travel worked." Oliver said. He was surprisingly smart, and we had been working on this or a while, but we hadn't been able to figure out that important detail on how Bill had gotten here. The last time he made it to this dimension it took a lot of power and planning, but the second time seemed a little too easy. Like there was a cheat to dimension travel hidden somewhere. I wasn't lucky enough to be able to read his notes or understand what he was doing in the memories I received from him. Most of his notes were in a language I had never seen before; which wasn't too surprising.

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