Chapter Eight

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(Dipper's POV)

"Shall we get back to our game?" Bill asked happily before heading back to the attic.

"How did you know Stan was going to open the closet?" I didn't understand how he could have known Stan was even in his room at the time.

"I heard him. He's pretty loud." He shrugged off my question. "I pick dare. You better come up with something fun." Bill was hovering over me with a crazed smile.

"I dare you to look a gremloblin in the eyes." I said without thinking about it. That was the worst dare I could think of at the moment.

"You do not disappoint Pine Tree." I felt an arm wrap around me and prepared for what happened next. We went from being inside to in the dark forest. This time I was able to keep myself from losing what little I had left in my stomach. "Would you look at that, you're improving." Bill's attention was quickly drawn to movement of something just out of my sight. That must be the gremloblin. Bill left my side to fulfill the dare. I couldn't help but feel vulnerable; I don't mean I need Bill to protect me or anything, it's just that I don't know where I am and don't have a flashlight on me. That's the only reason. I'm not scared either, just nervous. Soon after I lost track of Bill's blonde hair; which seemed to have a glow to it, two figures came into my field of view. Bill, with his glowing hair, and the gremloblin. Even though he was human now he didn't seem scared that he could possibly die or get hurt. He was staring down the gremloblin with a smile. Isn't he supposed to be seeing his worse nightmare? Then the most horrifying thing happened. The gremloblin cried out and ran off.

"W-what was that?" How could Bill have done that? He's human, he has to have fears. What would make that gremloblin run off like that? The only time I have seen something like that happen was when I held a mirror up to one and it saw it's own worst nightmare.

"That thing barely put up a fight. I need to find another one." Bill didn't seem satisfied and ran off.

"Bill! Where are you going?!" I shouted after him. Now it's official. I'm lost, and my only way back to the Shack just ran off to get himself killed. "Couldn't you have taken me back to the Shack at least? I shouldn't be forced out here to die because you have a death wish." I kept mumbling to myself as I slowly inched my way closer to an opening in the trees. If I make it there I may be able to see better, and hopefully figure out where I am.

"Pine Tree, I told you already. I won't let you get hurt, I have too many plans for you." I heard Bill's voice, but when I looked around for him he was nowhere in sight. Shit, he better not be in my head. Him being in my dreams was bad enough. "Don't worry, I hate being in your head as much as you hate it, but this way I can make sure you don't get yourself killed."

"Me? Get myself killed? You're the one chasing after a gremloblin for crying out loud." I said out loud; not really worrying that someone might think I'm crazy for talking to myself. Anyone out here at this time of night is crazy anyways.

"If I were you I would be watching where I am going more carefully. You might have a painful surprise soon if you don't." Bill's voice warned me. I stopped and inspected the ground in front of me. A section of the ground looked off. I bent down to inspect it further. The foliage was purposely moved to cover something. When I moved it away a bear trap was revealed; a really big one at that. If I had stepped on it the teeth would have gone into my thigh.

"Oh, um, thanks?" I didn't know what I was supposed to say to Bill. He just saved me from getting a painful wakeup call. However I still don't think he's good in anyway. He's just doing this because he has a plan, and I am a necessary part of it. Suddenly I had an idea so amazing I jumped from where I was crouched. If we keep this up I will be able to ask Bill what his plan is, and if I know what that plan is I will be able to come up with a plan to stop him.

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