Chapter Eighteen

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(Dipper's POV)

"Dipper? Are you awake?" The door opened and my sister entered the room. She was surprised to see Bill leaning over me on my bed. I quickly pushed him away so I could talk to my sister.

"Yes. Mabel, Bill's an asshole." I said with a poker face. Bill gasped in fake offence. Then he got a grin I didn't very much like. So I was happy that my sister had said something before he was able to say whatever it was he was thinking.

"What?" My sister looked at me confused.

"Bill threw a crystal at me." My twin glared at him.

"Guilty." Bill said and put his hands up in the air.

"Well get it out of him!" She yelled.

"Cannot do Shooting Star. He hasn't even gotten to my greatest memories yet. I mean come on, if you are going to have to see my memories at least wait until you've seen them all."

"Memories? What is he talking about?" Mabel asked me, so I tried explaining my weird visions of Bill's past. "But you can still get the crystal out of him, can't you?" Mabel asked urgently.

"No, it's kind of part of him now." Bill said happily. The look my sister gave him was one that was reserved for only the people she hated; which wasn't many, so it was even more scary. Even though it wasn't directed towards me I felt like I needed to apologize for something.

"I'm telling Ford." She said. "He will know a way to fix this." Mabel nodded before turning to leave the room.

"Mabel, can I talk to you? Privately." I emphasized privately as a looked at Bill. He seemed to be willing enough to leave us be, but I couldn't be so sure with him. He could listen in on our conversation without either of us knowing anyways. We left the room and closed the door.

"Dipper, please tell me you are not okay with this!"

"I'm not; trust me, I'm not. But, this could be useful. If I really am getting Bill's memories then that means I might finally be able to understand him. He wouldn't be able to trick us anymore." I explained; hoping my sister might be able to understand.

"Dipper! You are going to be corrupted if you keep the crystal in you!" My sister complained; obviously scared for my well being.

"I don't think I will. This time was different." I explained. "Bill even told me I wouldn't be corrupted by the crystal, and I believe that." The expression my sister wore made me feel guilty, as though I was doing something wrong. She looked hurt, and it was my fault, but what am I supposed to do about this. As far as we know I am stuck with this crystal, and there isn't anything we can do about it now.

"I trust you Dipper, but I'm not so sure about Bill anymore. What if he's just using you? Please, just promise me you'll be your normal paranoid self about this." Mabel quickly cheered up, as she always does. "Now who's up for popcorn!" She said cheerfully.

Mabel and I ended up having a competition to see who could toss and catch the most popcorn pieces with their mouth as a movie played. I had slept for most of the day so it was already after noon. Honestly, I had completely forgotten what movie it was we were supposed to be watching. It was fun just hanging out with my sister; though ominous that Bill hadn't appeared again. Not that I'm complaining; the less I see of him the better I feel about this.

"Oh! Oh! OOOH! Beat that!" My sister yelled. She had just completed throwing a piece of popcorn across the room and running to the other side quick enough to catch it in her mouth. No way could I beat that.

"I can beat that easy." Finally, Bill showed up. I had to force myself to hold back an involuntary groan.

"I wasn't talking to you." My sister responded and crossed her arms. I didn't say anything, not wanting to choose sides in this argument. Though if I had to it would be Mabel's; she hasn't done anything to get on my bad side recently, unlike someone else I know.

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