Chapter Eleven

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(Dipper's POV)

I helped with the cleaning of the kitchen; even though it wasn't my mess. Bill had been gone for almost half an hour. He's probably just avoiding getting back before we are done. The only thing left to clean now was the floor for Mabel and the counter tops for me. Cleaning the ceiling was the hardest, so it was the first thing we did. I didn't realize how big of a mess I had made while I was making the pancakes.

"Is it just me or does Bill seem different? I mean I've notice this before, but I was just thinking it was the situation. Now I'm not so sure." Mabel said once she was done cleaning.

"What do you mean?" Though I think I knew what she was talking about. There was something different about him, but I couldn't pinpoint what it is.

"He just seems nicer. I mean, he's still an ass, but not as homicidal and destructive, I guess, is what I mean." I chuckled, that's one way of putting it.

"You're right, but it might have something to do with him not having as much power as he did before." I offered as an explanation. Then I thought of something. If the power could corrupt anyone who gains it; does that also apply to Bill? Will he get worse the more power he has? That's not something I plan on ever testing however.

"Or maybe it's because he's human?" Pacifica offered. She had been quiet for the whole time we were cleaning, so her interruption surprised us.

"Could be." I nodded.

"I sense the conversation has taken an interesting turn. Please continue to talk about me, it's my favorite subject." Bill appeared with a paper bag in hand. He threw it at me carelessly. I was barely able to catch it. Unfortunately I caught the bottom of the bag and the contents spilled out onto the floor. Thankfully whatever it was was in a container. Pancakes? Was this supposed to be a kind gesture or was he just messing with me? "Aren't you hungry?" He asked when he noticed I was just staring at him.

"Yeah, thanks." I said skeptically and picked up the plastic container that had the pancakes in it.

"Aww how sweet." Mabel cooed. Bill glared at her.

"I will burn your sweaters." He warned. That didn't help, it only made her angry.

"Good luck." I whispered to him as Mabel began her tirade. Not wanting to take part in the lecture I left the room to eat in peace. Just when I sat down in the livingroom to eat great uncle Ford entered the room.

"Dipper, we need to talk." There goes eating in peace.

"What is it?" I asked. Why can't I get a second to myself now?

"Are you feeling okay?" I was surprised by his concern.

"Yeah, I guess I am a little stressed by the situation." I answered honestly. Trying to understand Bill was extremely stressful considering he is so sarcastic, and I have no idea if he means what he is saying or just messing with me.

"Take some advice from someone who has known that demon longer than you, you cannot understand him. I know you like to think of someone as predictable, but Bill isn't like that." I never thought of myself in that way, but now that Ford put it into words; that's kind of how I am. I feel comfortable around those I am able to understand and predict, and knowing that they aren't going to change. However, Bill is anything but predictable.

"Okay, also do you have any gloves? And maybe a bag?" Those items are part of my plan for carrying the crystals around. Though I still need to come up with something that will stop the crystal's power from causing chaos.

"I think I know what you are getting at, and I've got some things you might want." Ford nodded and walked away. Leaving me alone so I could finally eat my pancakes in peace. Now that I'm thinking about it. Where did Bill get these pancakes? They aren't from anywhere in Gravity Falls, but the watches were supposed to alarm if we got over a mile away from each other. When I checked my wrist there was nothing there. What happened to the watch? Lots of things must have happened in the two days I was asleep.

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