Chapter Thirty

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(Dipper's POV)

I barely made it through half the school day, and I was already freaking out. April had been bothering me non-stop, asking how it was going with the journal. I didn't tell her anything about what Noah did to it. Finally, it was lunch and I could spend that time to plan what I was going to ask Bella, right? Wrong. Noah found me and is dragging me someplace.

"Where are we even going?" I complained.

"Just to the English hallway." Noah said. A funny thing about this school was that during lunch the English classrooms were always empty. It's where the delinquents would spend their lunch period most of the time, from what I've heard.

"Why are we going there?"

"I need to get you prepared to talk to Bella, now don't I." Noah said and smiled at me. "And there is no one better to help you with that than, April." He said as we turned the hallway to find April making out with some guy. Noah groaned. "Why?" He complained. I recognized the guy as the one I had seen at the house Noah lead me to before.

"Took you long enough." The man said.

"You're not even supposed to be here." Noah sighed.

"Can't I visit my favorite human while he's at school?" The guy said and messed with Noah's hair. Somehow Noah was able to keep up a constant glare. I'm sure he had to have gotten hair in his eyes at least once.

"You're only here to make out with April." Noah responded.

"Not true. I need to give you this."

"Oh." Noah said and stared at the small woven bracelet that seemed to shine different colors when light hit it. "Did you make that for me?" Noah didn't seem to believe that it was his, and I could swear he was blushing.

"Yes, now don't lose it."

"Wait. You..." Noah looked suspiciously at the man. "You went into my room, didn't you?"

"I would never do that. I got your DNA from the time you cut yourself in the lab." The man said with an eye roll.

"Good." Noah said and slipped the bracelet on. "Oh, Dipper, this is Adrian, he doesn't like you because he doesn't like Bill, so don't take it personally." Noah introduced the man quickly.

"No, I really do not like that yellow-" Before Adrian could finish what he was saying April hit him in the back of the head.

"We have more important things to discuss right now." She chided. "Now then, you need some help with talking to Bella, right?" Her eyes seemed to light up as though this was the greatest moment of her life.

"Uh, yeah. I just need to ask her about Bill." I didn't know what she was getting so excited about.

"Do you miss him?" April said, still smiling.

"Well, I just want to see him again. I mean, there's a lot of things I need to ask him." I corrected myself.

"Now then, first thing you need to know about talking to Bella. She isn't as bad as she seems to be. I mean sure, she's not really friendly right now, but that's because she's pretty stressed out. So don't be scared of her."

"I'm not scared of her." I piped in, but April just shook her head at me.

"We're all afraid of her." April said teasingly.

"I'm not." Adrian added.

"The only thing you're not afraid of is your own shadow. And sometimes you even get scared of that." April said and stuck her tongue out at him. Adrian didn't try to defend himself. Neither did Noah. "Now, advice number two." April held up two fingers. "If you mess up just bring up those stupid theories you have, I guarantee she will be interested in what you have to say. Which brings me to my third piece of advice. You can't just prod her for answers about Bill, she'll start closing up and you won't get anything from her." April poked me on the forehead. Then pushed back my bangs.

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