Chapter 2: Reuinons & Encounters

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~Juvia's POV~

I stare at the building that is my high school. It's bigger than last time and there are kids surrounding it everywhere. Whew ok, I can do this.
"Jjjjjjjjjuuuuuuvvvviiiiiiaaaaaaa!!!!" Is what I hear from a far. Someone yells my name through the courtyard. A splash of pink hits my cheeks. I turn left to right searching for the voice, and that's when I notice her. It's Lucy.
"Lucy? Hi."

"Hey juuuvviia!"

"You remember me? From 10th grade"

"Uh duh! You were one of my besties!"
Her eyes were filled with excitement.
"Did you get my flowers?"

"Oh so you were the one that sent them!"

"Yeah! Did you like em?"

"Yeah, thanks."

"Great! C'mon and I'll introduce you to my friends, and your future friends!" Lucy says, tugging me to the group of girls sitting in one tables in the courtyard.
"Guys! This is Juvia! She a friend of mine from sophomore year!" Lucy yells out with excitement. There's a girl with with long red hair, another with short blue hair, one with white long hair, and one with shorter white hair.
"Hello there Juvia, I'm Erza scarlet. This is levy, Mira, and Lisanna."

"Hi Juvia!" They all yell simultaneously.

"H-Hi. Nice to meet you all."

"Aw? Aren't you the cutest?" Mira says patting my head.
"Mira, don't tease her. Sorry my sis is just trying to be nice."

"Oh no. It's ok,"

"So Juvia-San, where'd you go for junior year? Lu-chan says you went here for sophomore." Levy asks placing a pen in her hair.

"Oh, I have been in the hospital for the past year."

"What?" They all chant simultaneously.

"You guys, Juvia's been struggling from an illness. Her body's very fragile." Lucy informs them and they have a look of understanding the situation.
After finding out my illness, and Talking about other things, a group of boys join the girls.
A boy in pink hair and looks very handsome approaches Lucy greeting her with a kiss on the cheek. "Hey Luce." He says.
A boy with dark blue hair and a tattoo greets Erza and hugs her from behind. "Yo Scarlet." He says.
A boy with long spiky black hair and piercings spooks levy from behind and then places his head on top of hers. "Hiya shrimp." He says.
A boy with blonde hair and a scar on his eyes approaches Mira and puts his arm over her and greets her with a kiss on the forehead. "Sup Mira." He says.
A boy with dark short purple hair, and a cool tattoo on his face picks Lisanna and kisses her full on bluntly. "Howdy Lis!" He chuckles out.
As all of them greet them, the girls blush smiling like Lucy, or blushing embarrassingly and trying to land a good smack on the head to their other.

I'm here turning red, I love how people act with love. It makes me feel so happy for them. I hope I can find that one day. Lucy and the other girls introduced me. Natsu was Lucy's boyfriend. Gajeel was Levy's boyfriend. Jellal was Erza's boyfriend. Laxus was Mira's boyfriend. Bickslow was Lisanna's boyfriend.

Aw their all so cute!


Soon enough I had to go to class and when I did, it's seem chemistry was first. The teacher told us to sit anywhere and who you say with is stuck with you for the rest of the year.

I sat at the last lab table, on the window seat, to left of the classroom. Everybody had a partner, except me, which was bit embarrassing for me.

We were halfway into the lesson, when the teacher glanced at the door and let out a deep sigh. He Opened the door.
"Mr. Fullbuster, your late." He said with a deep sigh.

"Yeah, sorry bout that. I was busy catching a snack." The young voice replies. I wasn't looking because I dropped my pencil and I couldn't find it. Oh poop! Where is it?!

"Just take your seat."

"Yeah yeah I here ya."
I still couldn't find the dang pencil, but I could hear girls gasping and giggling. I finally saw my pencil and It was right next to the table on the floor, right beneath the window. I had to Crouch down and get it.

"Nice ass girly." I hear a voice behind me. I get up and turn to see who's the voice, and I turn to the boy right next to me. Ok, so when I turned, my nose was touching his. How embarrassing is that? Right?

"Uh-uh, s-sorry," I say quickly turning my head and facing the book. The handsome Raven haired boy chuckles and places his chin on his hand and faces me. I can tell, and it's the very reason why I'm blushing like an idiot.

The teacher assigns us to write down some notes, and I quickly dash of to the task. I'm finished 12 mins early. So I decided to peek over at the handsome guy next to me. He's not doing any notes. I wonder why? Does he not take it seriously? Afterwards the teacher decided to assign it as homework if not completed, and the guy next to me grunts.

"H-Hey um, if you want, I-I can l-let you b-borrow my n-notes..." I whisper to him.

"Really? You'd do that?" He replied back.

"W-well y-yeah. I mean if you return it the next day before class, sure."

"Heh, ok then."

"J-Juvia. My names Juvia Lockser."

"Names Gray Fullbuster." He replied with a smirk, that made my heart skip 2 beats. Oh my he's very handsome.

The bell rang and I quickly handed him the notes. As he reached out for them, his hand touched mine, causing me to drop them on the table as I dash away. And as I run from the person who makes blush crazy and makes some skip multiple Hearts, I can hear him say "Hey wait," but my face is to red and I can't look at him anymore!!!!

I-Is this love?! Or am I just being dramatic again? I mean I don't even know him?! B-But maybe, just maybe, I should learn more about him....

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