Chapter 15: Back Again

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~Juvia' POV~

It was dark. I slowly opened my eyes. I recognize this smell. It was of hand sanitizer. No, why am I back here? My body, it was supposed to last until the end of senior year.

No, my illness. It makes my body weak, but it's not what got me here. No it was those girls. They pummeled me, I coughed up blood. 

I'm facing a hospital room ceiling.
"She's up!" I hear a familiar voice. Lucy?

"Oh thank goodness!" Mira said.

"Are you alright Juvia?" Erza's voice.

"I-I, I'm fine, just a little bruised." I reply aching in pain.

"Bruised? A little?! Juvia, the doctor said you broke a rib and fractured your wrist!" Levy said holding my hand.

"Who did this Juvia?" Lucy asked.

"S-Some girls. They corned me," I answer.

"That's awful." Lisanna says her eyes filled with compassion.

"Gray, where is he?" I had to ask. I wanted to know. All my friends were hear but where was he?

"We didn't tell him yet. I wanted to, but  he was in the middle of an exam and he told us he was going to his best for you." Erza said.

"Hm. I see." I reply.

"We called him just two minutes ago. School ended and he called us, wondering where you were." Mira said.

"Juvia, he sounded completely shocked." Mira began.

"Did he even know you were sick?" Lisanna continued.

I froze. I was always happy with Gray. It's now that I noticed, I never once told him about my illness. He made me so happy that I completely forgot about it. About my fragile body, and all the horrible things that came from the illness. "No, not once." I responded. I told them why, how he made me forget.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. The door creaked open and showing a familiar face, Gray. The girls excuse themselves from the room and Gray walked in. You slowly approach the hospital bed and when he did he took my hand. In shock, he looked at me from head to toe. Finally he spoke.

"W-What happened to you?" He said with voice shaking. Did I look that bad? I scared him?

"Some girls decided to teach me a lesson, but don't worry I'll be fine."

"You know, on the way here, Lucy told me through the phone that you were always a sick girl." He said, gently rubbing my palm.

"Gray, I'm sorry I never told you. I think that making you happier was more important. In sorry, but my time with you, made me forget." I say with a laugh.

He cracked a smile, "Listen Juvia, im just glad your still Alive. Your illness, how long did you have it?"

"Ever since the moment I was born. My illness makes me sick to my stomach. I cough up blood and bones are fragile, but you'll have to beat to make pass out."

"Those girls. They beat you...." Gray's voice went deep. His face was serious and his expression was intimidating.

"Hey," I say placing my hand on his face to calm him. "I'm fine ok? It's alright, don't worry bout it ok?"

He touches my hand. "Yeah, ok." He says. That's when I noticed a tear almost escaping his eye. I wiped it away.
"Didn't know you cried," I say with a small laugh.

"Only for you." He replied and placed a kiss on my lips.

It'll be fine with Gray with me. I'll get better. Won't I? Mom?

Okie guys big surprise next chapter! *wink*~😉✨💙


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