Chapter 9: Gone

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~Juvia's POV~

Swimming and splashing around with my friends in Lucy's pool was so fun. But it does eventually get to dark, and Lucy & Natsu waves bye.

Gray gave me a ride home.
"Was it fun Gray? You've seemed to be laughing quite a lot back there," I point out

"Yeah, I guess it was alright." He says with a bit of pink on his face.  I giggle sat the sight and decide to take a picture, and that's when I noticed my phone was blasted with missed calls from my neighbor? What did they want? Oh well maybe to borrow sugar or something, but then why'd they call so many times.

"Hey what's going on?" Gray asks as he slowly pulls the car over to my house, which is crowded my police. And an ambulance? What happened?

"Excuse me," I began to ask an officer as I exit gray's car.
"What's going on? I live there." I ask

"Oh, so you live there too? It seems we've received a 911 call from your neighbor over there, she said that there were 2 bodies on the ground. Slaughtered viciously."

"What?" My mind went blank. 2 bodies? Slaughtered at my house? Who were they? Who killed them?
I turned to my phone, it was 1:40 am. Mom & Dad

No. I ran to the house. No. I passed all the police tapes and gray followed. No. I had to see. No. If it was them. No!

I opened the door, police men scattered everywhere in my home, and in front of me were my father & mother.
Blood surrounded them, their throats were slid, they had multiple cuts on their arms & legs. Their eyes, were left open. My mom was holding on to my necklace I gave her when I was 7.
This sight was horrifying, and I couldn't help but stare. My eyes started to ball out tears. I slowly fell to my knees, and began to ask, "Why?"

Police men and even Gray tried pulling me away. Gray turned me to him and hugged me, at first I was wondering, why are you hugging me? Then I remembered that my parents were dead. No, that was a dream right?

"Gray, it's fake." I tell him.

"Juvia, it's real."

"No, they aren't gone."

"Juvia, I'm sorry but, I can't lie to you."

"But, then they left without saying goodbye. Gray, they left me alone."

"Juvia, I'm still here. I won't leave. It's ok to cry." His words drifted into my mind, and instantly began tearing up a storm. That sight, that I saw, and thought was merely an illusion for a second, was real. It's real & they're gone. Gone. Gone. Gone. Gone. Gone.

Who did this?

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