Chapter 8: Hanging with friends

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~Gray's POV~

After winning the game, which was no shock, Lucy invited everybody to her place and chill or 'celebrate' in their way of saying it. I didn't really feel up to it, but Juvia convinced me to give it a try, so why not?

After driving there, Lucy's house was no house. But a Manor.

~Juvia's POV~

"Wwwoooowww, amazing!" I exclaimed as I saw the manor before me.
"Lucy's house is huuggee!" Levy exclaimed.

"I'm from the Heartfillia family guys, didn't you know? Now let's have some fun!" Lucy chants running inside and Natsu following her inside, We all went in.

"So what do you have planned for us Lucy?" Jellal asked.

"Good question, I was thinking we should have late night pool party!" Lucy said jumping up.

"But I didn't bring swim wear," Mira says

"Neither did I," I point out.

"Youuu guuyss, that doesn't matter, I have some spare!" She informs us.

"What about us dudes?" Gajeel asks,

"Don't worry about that! Natsu comes over a lot so I had people buy extra swim wear for him! Don't worry, I bought a bunch new ones, so you guys can borrow those."

"Well then let's go!" Erza says.

"A pool?" Gray asks me.

"C'mon it'll be fun! And based on the size of her house I'm pretty sure it's huge too."

"Mm, well I guess seeing you in bathing suit won't be so bad."

"Eh? D-Don't think like that! Now go get changed!"

Gray went along with the boys who followed Natsu, and I followed Lucy & the girls.

>While Changing<

While we were changing, my friends borrowed Lucy's bathing suits. Erza borrowed a black slick bikini, Levy borrowed stripped red & white bikini, Mira borrowed a Pink bikini with white ruffles, Lisanna borrowed a purple Bikini with black edges, and I borrowed a blue bikini with light blue ruffles. Lucy wore a white bikini with a pink flower.

"Oh, all the boys are already down there." Lucy said peering out the window.

"Then let's go already." Mira said.

We all walked down the stairs, and opens the door to the pool. The expression of boys all changed and eyeballed us.
I approached Gray.

"S-Shall we go swimming?"

"Juvia." he said rather serious.


"You, you look, so, damn adorable!" He said picking me up and twirling me in circles. He stopped and said, "Oh oh, my hands are slipping!" And he dropped me in the pool. I could hear his laughter, he's having fun. For real. It's real his laughter & smile.

"Oh yeah?" I said grabbing his ankle and dragging him into the pool too. When he resurfaced, he began splashing me and I splashed him.

"HEY DON'T GO START HAVING FUN WITHOUT US!!!" Natsu said with a big smile and carrying Lucy in his hands bridal style and jumped right in. You could hear Lucy protesting him stop but it was too late.

"DAMN YOU SALAMANDER! DON'T GO MAKING A BIGGER SPLASH THAN US!!!" Gajeel yelled grabbing levy and repeating What Natsu did but only with a bigger splash.

Jellal chuckled until Erza grabbed him and made him jump in too. Soon biskclow did the same and Mira pushed Laxus in and jumped in herself.
I turned to gray and he was having so much fun, his laugh and smile were real, and he splashed away with Natsu and Gajeel. We were served by Virgo, Lucy's maid and it was a fun night.

|No one's POV|

As Juvia and her friends had so much fun, her phone rang. It was her neighbor. He had something important to tell Juvia, but she couldn't hear it. Her phone was upstairs.

What did he have to tell her?

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