Chapter 7: Game time

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~Juvia's POV~

After school, Me and and the girls bought tickets to tonight's game. I've yet to tell them about what happened between me and Gray. Oh, I wonder how'd they react.
"You guys ready to see the game?" Lucy asks us all trying to pump us up.

"You bet! Fairy Tail will wipe the floor with Blue Pegasus," Erza says with a confident tone.

"Then let's hurry up and get in our seats," levy says going in front of us.

Are seats are at the top of the bleachers because Erza wanted a clear view of Jellal and the others play. We all sat together and I could see the boys in bench. They were getting a pep talk from the coach.

Finally the game began. They made passes and scored a few points causing Erza cheer them out, and all of us cheered as well.
When the game was down to 28:14 and we were winning. I could see that every time a score was made, Gray would scan the bleachers. I couldn't help but wonder if he was looking for me, and apparently so did Lucy, because every time he did so she'd elbow me.

Finally we won the game with Natsu passing the ball to Gray and he scored with a slam dunk. Cool! Everyone from our school cheered! And me & my friends got up and ran to them. Lucy jumped into Natsu's sweaty hands only to show a face of regret, and Natsu simply refused to let her go. The rest of girls did the same with hugs and kisses and twirls.
I could see Gray still scanning the seats, and I decided to call out to him
"Gray!" I yelled and with a smile. He quickly spotted me and opens his arms. That's when a group of girls tackled him.

How can I explain this? Well, I felt both sad and angry with a touch if jealousy. My anger won out, and I snapped. I charged to the group of girls and one by one I yanked them off of him. As soon as the girls were off of him, I hugged him and congratulated him. He hugged me back and when he released me, my friends & his, not to the mention the girls around, all had there jaws opened.

"Juvia?" Lucy yelled.

"Dude since when did you start acting friendly with Juvia?" Natsu asked.

"What you didn't know?" He replied smirking and placing his arm on my head.  "Juvia's my girlfriend now." He said with pride.

Erza charged at me and picked me up,"Why did you never inform us?!"

"I-I was planning to!" I said as she shook me. She placed me down and then Lucy clapped her hands.

"Well congrats you love birds! Let's celebrate that & the victory at my place!"  She said and Natsu picked her up and replied with a "HELL YEAH!!" And the rest of them followed him and Lucy to the parking lot. Well after the changed. 

Then as they were headed the same way, Gray wasn't.

"Where are you going? Let's go to Lucy's!" I say.

"Nah, I'll just head home and catch some Z's."

"Oh no you don't! I promised you didn't I? As long as your dating me, you'll have nothing but fun! You hear?!" I chant

"Haha, fine Juvia. Then please show me some fun," he says with a seductive tone.

"Not that kind!" I say blushing like crazy.

"Hahaha, I know your just cute when you blush."

"For now, let's hang with friends. I'm sure they have plenty of fun ideas so let's head to them, ok?"

"Yeah, sure ok."

And we follow our friends to Lucy's house to celebrate.

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