Chapter 14: Old Ex

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(Juvia's POV)

When I opened the door to the apartment a girl was inside. Who was she? Why is she here?

"I didn't know Gray had a sister," I say letting out a small laugh.

"I'm not his sister." She says seriously.

"Cousin? Really young aunt?"

"Nope. I'm his girlfriend. Who exactly are you?" She asks.

I was silent. Gray suddenly walked in. It looked like he took a shower.
"Juvia hey, uh, why are crying?" He asked concerned. I simply looked at the girl before me. Gray jumped a bit.

"What?! Bailey?! How did you get in my house?! Why are you in my house?!" Gray exclaimed. Was he just as clueless as me on why this girl was here?

"Juvia! I didn't know this girl was here! I swear!!! She's just my---"

"Girlfriend." The girl concluded.

"Argh! No your not! She's my ex. She's been a bit to clingy when we dated and then I broke up with her." He said trying to get the girl off of him.

I walked up to them. I wiped my tears and pulled her away. I looked her in the eye.
"You are a major nuisance to Gray. I am his Current Girlfriend. You are nothing but a memory of the past. You can leave now, or you can wait until I call the police and charge you for breaking and entering." I say with a death glare.

"Hmph. I was leaving any ways. Bye Gray~~~" she said and closed the door behind me. As soon as I heard that door close I dropped into tears.

"Juvia? It's ok, it's ok."

"It's not Gray, I thought You lied! I'm awful!!! I'm awful!!" I cried out

he hugged me. "No it's ok, I would've act the same. I don't blame you."

After words we ate dinner and went to sleep. The next day we got ready for school. Gray drove us and we arrived safely. I talked with my buds and I had an ok day after last night. When it was time for lunch though, I was cornered by her. It was that Bailey girl.

"Sup blue girl. Guess what I moved to this school."

"I can see that,"
Suddenly all the other girls from yesterday at school walked up as well.

"You thought you scared me? Yesterday? You were acting pretty high and mighty."

"Hey, I have to get to class."

"Shut it blue head!" A girl said.

"I'm going to teach you a lesson. Know your place you stupid bimbo!" Bailey said and punched me hard in the gut. I dropped my books and i felt the excruciating pain from that blow.

I slid down against the wall and shivered. She continued hurting me. She picked me back up and punched my face. She broke my nose. She dropped me and kicked me. I fell to my side and kicked me more and more.

The pain was like hell. It'd hurt anyone, but with the fragile body of mine, it felt 7 times worse. I felt like puking something and I did. Blood. It spat out of me. The floor near me was covered in a small pool of the blood I puked out.

When they saw this the girls quit kicking me around and ran. I laid there. The room was going black. I felt pain all over me.

My fragile bones, they couldn't the pain. My head started to ache. No it was coming back, that damn illness.

I saw two people running towards me, with red hair and one with blonde.

Help me....

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