Chapter 13: Trouble

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~Juvia's POV~

I wake up. The window next to the bed had the sunlight hitting my eyes. Where was I? I looked next to me and I noticed gray's arms covering me. He was holding me.

And that's when I also noticed, that I was lacking clothing. >\\\<
Oh my gosh?! What?! That's right!! I nearly forgot!!!!

The sun hit him as well, and he woke up.
"Morning Juvia." Gray said with blushes cheeks and yawns.

"G-Good morning. Um, so I think I should get ready for the day."

"You mean breakfast? Yeah I guess I should too. You hitting the shower first?" He says glancing over at me.

"Oh! Um yeah if you don't mind!" I say and jump over him to get out of the bed. I grasp a towel from the closet outside the room. Oh! My! Gosh! Why'd I do that? Oh whatever.

/Time skip\

I made gray & I breakfast and he left to school after getting ready. I was wearing shorts and a simple navy blue t-shirt and over that, I was zipped up in gray's Dark blue hoodie. It was a bit big, but that's what made it really cozy!

"See ya later," gray said kissing my forehead.

"Ah! Bye!" I said waving as he left. I started walking to my friends. But I was interrupted by a gang of girls. Noticing them, my friends rushed over to my side.

One of the girls picked my sleeve. "What exactly do you think you are? Prancing around in his sweater trying rub it in our faces? You've guts girl." One of them said with anger in her voice.

"Un-hand Juvia. Now. Unless you wish to see the way I earned the name Titania." Erza demanded. The girls in front of me shivered. I nearly forgot Erza was a black belt.

"Ha, so you think your something just because your his girlfriend and you've got this beast with you?" She said.

"This what? No I think I misheard you. What was it exactly that you called me girl?" Erza said with a death glare.

"Listen, your just a play thing. He'll move on from you. Don't think your anything special." She said again. For some reason those words sinked inside me.

"Oh? What's this? Did you just ignore me? Huh-huh-ho! You've balls girl I'll tell you that!" Erza chants behind me and Lucy tries to hold her back. The girls in front chicer and quickly make a run for it.

"The nerve of those girls! Ignoring me & trying to corner Juvia!" Erza chants.

"I know what you mean, they were pretty petty to be doing something like that." Levy said.

"For real. You'd think they'd have at least a little bit of pride." Lucy said.

"That was just plain in rude. Their just a couple jealous little girls crying over the fact that gray has chosen Juvia." Mira said.

"I hope they don't try that again. I mean that's harassment." Lisanna stated.

I was quite the whole time. Is this what other girls thought of me? Are they right? Is gray just playing with me? My emotions?

(Time skip)

I was sitting outside the gates of the school. I heard footsteps. Those girls from earlier today came to mind suddenly I stood up and peeked over in terror. It was just gray.

"Yo Juvia? Where were you?" He asks from the distance. I run over to him, not even noticing my tears overflowing my eyes. I hugged him.

"Whoa? Are you crying? Why?" He asked.

I couldn't answer him. Did I really start crying out of fear?

"Lucy & Erza told me what happened. And guess what? It ain't true. None that stuff ain't true. Your actually very important to me." Gray says patting my head. I can't believe I doubted him. I'm so stupid.

I asked gray for sometime to cool out a bit. I walked around the park, and he went home to prepare dinner. When I was done I took a cab to the apartment. I was walking so much it hurt.

I unlocked the door saying, "I'm home sorry I was late, I just kept......on......walking......." I slowed down my words. There was another girl in front of me. On the couch. And she was staring at me.

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