Chapter 12: Accept

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~Juvia's POV~

It was time to head back to school, and I was wondering how Lucy & the others would react to my brand new news that, my parents passed away and that i moved in with gray.

I haven't told anybody this news and I started to regret it. I check my make up and my outfit in the mirror. Suddenly gray hugged me from behind in his pj's and his ruffled hair.

"Morning Juvi~" he says giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Gray, morning to you to. But if you want good morning kiss, Brush your teeth & get dressed." I say tapping his phone.

"Agh, I don't feel like going to school today. Why me and you just stay here and have a fun morning~"

"G-Gray, no! It's the first day back from spring break and I really need to tell everyone in person."

"Ugh, fine. But that means that you'd better be ready for when we get home. Okay?~"

"Ffffffffine! Have it your way. Just get ready!" I say and start blushing and grab his keys and get in the car.

We drive to school. And as soon as we park, a group of girls recognizing grays car gather around. They went from grinning like a bunch of idiots, to a surprised and shocked face. I stepped out, and gray took my hand. He walked me towards the school entrance and we ran into the girls.

Lucy, Levy, Erza had their mouths open. Mira and Lisanna were grinning.
Along with The guys too.

After explaining everything to everyone they only wanted me to be happy. I was happy because I had gray with me and my friends supported me.

When it was time to go to class, I didn't even notice myself until I started walking away, I kissed gray on the mouth as a "goodbye for now." Kiss.

And I did it in front of everyone. I could feel eyes staring me down. Why did I do that nonchalantly?!
Well whatever, I'm his girlfriend I'm the only one allowed to do that. So it's ok.☺️

/Time Skip\

School was over! Lucy had invited me to a sleepover on Friday to Saturday. I accepted. I feel like I've been apart from them to much.  I made my way to the parking lot. I could see a group of girls surrounding gray, who was chilling on the car. He looked so dull and boring.

His eyes met mine and then they lit up which made me warm inside.

"Let's go Gray?"

"Yup, see ya." He said smirking and unlocked the car. Then a girl blocked the passenger seat from me and got in.

"Hey, can you get out? I have to go home." I say through the glass.

"Huh?! Are you living with Gray?! You?! Your so not for him!!!!" She says.

"Hey, your getting annoying. So bounce would ya?" Gray says and she leaves the seat. I get in and gray waves bye to the desperate girls.

As we drive home. "Gray, do you have interest in those girls?"  I ask

"Well, no. I got eyes for you Juvia."

"Hm. Ok."
I say something else.
"So Lucy invited me to a sleepover. I hope you don't mind but I said yes. I'll be back Sunday morning."

"Yeah? Well it's fine with me if its just the girls there. That pyro ain't gonna be there? Right?"

"Ha, no just the girls and me."

"Okie dokie then."

Soon when we got inside the apartment, I heard the door lock behind me. I placed my jacket away.

"Um, what exactly are you doing gray?"

"Your leaving me for 2 days & 2 nights. I'm in love with you, so it'll hurt like hell when you leave Juvia~"

"S-Sorry but I've kinda been drifting away from I uh..."

"No, no I understand Juvia. I'll let you go, but at a price. Remember this morning?"

"Eh? W-W-Wait what exactly do you plan on doing?!"

"Oh? Are you still one of those?"

"Huh? One what? What exactly are you gonna do?!"

"You'll find out. And I promise, you'll like it...." Those were his last words before he placed his lips on mines and his kisses were so perfect. He ran his fingers through my hair all the way to my back, and soon made it to my rear area.

I kissed him back, and he picked me up kissing me, then he carried me into his bedroom.

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