Chapter 6: Invites

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~Juvia's POV~

When I woke and got ready, I took my pills and looked outside, the same dark navy blue doge car was waiting outside. That was gray.

"Yo Juvia, you ready for school?"

"Um yes,"

As we rode to school, gray kinda lit up and turned to me.
"Het did you know that there's a game tonight?" (It's Friday BTW)

"Oh, no I didn't. Your on the basketball team right?"

"Yeah, so um you wanna watch the game? You'll see score the winning shot."

"Oh yeah? Well if love to!" I smiled at him which made him turn his head to the ride with a smile and pink cheeks. He didn't really seem that bad.
We arrived at school and he seemed to be a bit depressed, but why he was happy in the car,

"Is everything alright?" I ask as we walk inside.

"No, those girls over there keep staring."

"Oh, um maybe it's cause of me, I'll just se you at class then!"  St nervously and he catches my wrist as I'm about to leave.

"What? Your way better than those girls, all they do is flirt and drool. At least I can a conversation with you."

"Oh, uh ok then,"

"Let's talk." He says sitting me down.
"Ask me anything you want." He says.

"Gray, are you really ok?"

"Yeah why?"

"Because last night, when I asked you about your parents, you went sad. Even though you didn't want to show it." Why did I say that?! There was a silence.

"I'm not fine." He says. "They were what made me happy everyday, and they were taken from me, brutally. So I'm not fine. There's nothing that will make happy as I was back then."
I knew his smile, was fake. That the real smile if happiness was gone somewhere.

"J-J-J," I mumbled.


"J-J-Juvia will be the happiness in your life!" I blurt out. Gray's eyes were widened. He was blushing and looking directly at me.
"I-I know how it feels to think that you can never have happiness ever again in your life, b-but it's not true! You can, and I'll show you how!" I blurt out again. At this point I'm red as the flames from hell. Gray let out a chuckle and was blushing a bit.

"Ok, Juvia. Be my happiness." He says and places his forehead on mine.
"Be my light, be my girl,"

Ok I'm too hot right now, I can't see straight, what's happening, wow. Hold it don't lose your cool Juvia,

"If I have too, I'll make you smile a real smile gray." I inform him and he lets out a laugh.

"Well, be sure to catch me at tonight's game babe."  He says smirking and giving a wink.

"O-Of course!" I say with smile. First I was invited to see his game, then his girlfriend. Wait, GIRLFRIEND?! Oh my really?! My turning red now!!!!

But I will make you happy, I will Gray.

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