Chapter 5: Rides

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~Juvia's POV~

School was over and I was gonna walk home. I got a text from my mom & dad, saying that they'll be working overtime. That's ok with me, after all the money they spent, they need some for the rent.

As I walked out school, the easier way to my house is through the parking lot. So as I was passing the parking lot, I saw crowd of girls surrounding somebody, and the roar of an engine. I immediately thought it was gray.

His bike stopped me from my path.
"Yo Juvia, how long do you even take?"


"I've been waiting to leave, let's roll." He says plopping his helmet on me and patted his bike, signaling for me to hop on. I did so and asked him something.

"W-Why'd you wait for me?"

"You live near me, so I thought why not give you a ride."

"T-Thank you so much, I-It was not that necessary."

"Pffft. Nah, let's just go already."
He started the engine, and I did this as if I've done it multiple times, and I wrapped my arms around his waist, and lay my head on his back facing the other girls. They had their mouths open and they were shocked I guess.
I quickly recognized what I was doing and decided I couldn't undo it! It'd be to awkward. I think gray was shocked as well it took him 2mins to start the bike and set off.

When we did arrive at my house, I thanked gray. As I was about to return his sliver helmet, he stopped me.

"Nah, keep it."

"H-Huh? I possible couldn't!"

"I'll be giving you rides now that I know your address, always be ready at 7:45am. Ok? I'll give you a lift." He said with the same tint of pink plastered on both cheeks.

"U-Um, thank you so much, you really didn't need to,"

"Nah, don't mention it. Just don't overdo it with being cute and all." He says very quickly and roars the engine at the end hoping I didn't hear him, and rides off. But I did hear it. And gulp, I heard that.


When inside my house, I decide to cook some dinner only to find a note and some cash.

"Dear Juvia,
Seems we've ran out of food, me & dad had to go work until 12 am. Real sorry but it's seems like this for the whole month. Sorry baby. But we've got weekends of so don't threat!
~Love mom & dad"

I couldn't really complain. They've wasted all their money on me and my stupid health problems.
So I took the cash and walked to the supermarket.

I bought what I needed and what I could afford. Only to find out and realize that I have no car. When I stepped out side with my heavy bags inside my cart, I felt troubled.

"Juvia?" I heard a familiar voice, Gray! But my stuff won't fit in his motorcycle, ah poop.

"Gray! Um, h-hi."

"Did you come buy groceries? Why didn't you call I would've given you a ride,"

"Oh but Gray,"

"It's dark now, some weirdo could've done something to you since your alone! Why didn't you call?"

"Gray, I don't have your number."
And suddenly the splash if pink appeared again on his face."

"Oh, uh. Well here," he was scribbling something down a paper and handed it to me. Then gave it to me and told me to follow him. We arrived at a car in the parking lot. He opened the trunk,

"I also have a car, I'll give you a ride home."
I felt so relieved I thought I had to steal the cart!! And I hugged him.

"Thank you so much Gray!"


When we arrived home, I did something bold.
"Gray-sama, did you eat dinner?"

"Uh, no I live by myself."

"Oh, well if you want I can cook you something. Do you wanna join me?"

"A-Are you sure?"

"Yes! It's the least I can do to repay you,"
He helped me with the groceries and I told him to make himself at home while I cook.


"Dinners ready!"


"I made linguine!"

We both dug in.
"Damn, this is pretty good!"


"Yeah, nice cooking!"


"So where are you parents?"

"Oh, they've been working overtime."


"So if you don't mind me asking, why do you live alone?"

"...." There's was bit of awkward pause.
"My parents were killed for money when I was little."

"Oh, I'm very sorry Gray, I didn't realize I was hitting such a fragile subject."

"Please it's not your fault it happened. And it's ok,"


"Any ways thanks for the food."

"Your welcome, and gray!"


"When you want to eat something, your always welcomed over."
He blushes and it causes me to burn red,
"T-Thanks Juvia."

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