Chapter One

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*Tobin's POV*

I dribbled the ball up and down the entire field over 20 times before I felt warmed up. I took a couple shots at the corners of the goal before my teammates started filling up the field, getting ready for the real warm up.

"Hey, Tobin why weren't you in the locker rooms?" I heard a small voice ask from behind me.

I turned around to see Christen looking at me while balancing a ball on her foot. Her hair was wavy and pulled back into a pony tail that moved slightly every time she did. God she looks so pretty with her hair like that. I thought to myself.

"Oh I just got here early and decided I would take a few shots before practice" I replied. "Did Jill show us who were rooming with yet?" I asked.

"Yeah I came over here to tell you that we were rooming actually" Christen answered, flashing her million dollar smile. She scrunched up her nose and asked, "Are you excited for the best 2 months and 13 days of your life?"

Was I ready? Absolutely fucking not. This was the girl I had lost my mind over and I had no idea what I was gonna do with my feelings towards her during the time we would spend as roommates. The past few years made my feelings for her grow and they weren't shrinking anytime soon.

"So ready. Here, pass me that ball" I said while tossing my ball over to the sidelines.

She kicked it over towards me and took a few steps back to give us some room to pass. I received the ball and did some tricks and passed it back to her quickly. We went on with passing the ball to each other until Jill blew the whistle indicating us to come read the work out for today.

Christen took the ball and we jogged over to the rest of the team, who were all huddled around some papers with directions on it.

"Ladies, listen up" Jill said as everyone quieted down. "The other coaches and I have decided to give you super easy work outs today. If you read on the first bullet, you will need one partner for all of the drills and exercises we do today. There's nothing hard, nothing you can't handle but as soon as the work out is done, we'll be doing a timed 5k to evaluate fitness of the group. Take your time with the drills, I don't wanna see sloppy footwork with the ball. Today should be laid back until we get to the last part. Find a partner, grab a paper, and get started. Remember to drink water, it's almost 100° out" Jill finished.

After asking for questions, Jill said, "Then find your partner and get started" And walked towards the bench to watch us practice.

The group shuffled around looking for a partner but I had a partner in mind. I turned to face Christen and ask her to be my partner but JJ had already claimed her. Total BS. I'm her roommate not JJ. I thought to myself.

My thoughts were interrupted by a pat on the shoulder.

"Why you standing there all alone Heath?" Kelley asked. "Be my partner, Hope is with her goal keepers" She practically demanded.

"Oh no, the love of your life can't be your partner. Sad face." I teased while grabbing a ball and starting some partner exercises with her.

"Woooow Heath. Don't make me bring up your little crush on Press. You don't even hide it, staring at her like that?" Kelley shot back while passing me a header.

I deflected the ball off the top of my head, passed back and shushed her, "Kelley oh my god you can't just say that out loud I was trusting you when I told you" I said defensively. "I can't let her find out, were rooming for the next like two months" I said while spinning the ball between the grass and my cleat.

"My bad. But seriously, you guys both are so oblivious to how you feel about each other" Kelley said while we switched up the drill.

"What do you mean 'each other'" I asked quickly.

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