Chapter Two

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*Christen's POV*

I woke up to the smell of Tobin's light perfume and the sound of the television in the background. The sun was shining through the cracks of the blinds, leaving a pattern of lines down Tobin's familiar face. All the proof I needed to make sure that last night wasn't a dream was right here.

Feeling a little jet lagged, I got up and started to fix up my hair and put on some light make up.

I looked back at Tobin who was just beginning to wake up. She stretched and let a little grunt slip out of her mouth. She opened her eyes for a split second and closed them back again.

"If I open my eyes and that angel in the bathroom is gone, I will cry" I heard her state.

"Well maybe you should open your eyes" I said, slightly blushing at the fact that she called me an angel.

She opened her eyes and let out an exaggerated gasp. "The angel is still here. God bless" She joked drowsily. "But the angel should know that breakfast doesn't start for 20 more minutes" She said while flipping over the pillow.

"The angel knows what time breakfast starts" I replied, smiling. "The angel, however never unpacked. And the angel sees that the other angel has yet to unpack as well!" I narrated.

"Oh shit you're right" Tobin quickly shot up from bed and began to open her suitcase. "Oh. I forgot the other angel is a little messier than the first angel, and this angel apologizes in advance" She says while walking over to me slowly.

"How did you sleep?" I asked, touching up on some mascara.

"Great actually, I remember falling asleep with this really pretty girl. She had this amazingly soft hair and bounced a little every time I touched it" Tobin said while playing with my natural hair.

"Oh shoot. Forgot that I literally have a mane" I quickly said.

I didn't really like my natural hair sometimes. It felt too poofy and out of control and I just wished it was a little less big. Sometimes I loved it. Sometimes it got in the way. 

"Well I sure do love lions then" Tobin joked while heading back to her suitcase to find new clothes.

She grabbed some clothes and walked towards the window to look at the view. Adjusting the blinds, she stopped to take a picture of the sun shining right on the beach.

"Post?" She asks, showing me a beautiful picture of what was outside.

"Definitely" I replied. "Tag me in it"

"Sure thing"

Seconds later I heard my phone ding.

tobinheath tagged you in a photo.

I clicked on the notification and read the caption, "awesome view both in and outside the hotel #roomies" and watched as all the fans went buck wild in her comments. I spotted a comment from Ali.

akrieger11: hurry down for breakfast you goons!

"Breakfast. Let's go" I reminded Tobin as I started out the door.

"Coming" She replied walking out without her shoes on.

"Shoes" I reminded while holding the elevator for her.

Tobin dashed back into the room and came back out wearing a pair of blue crocs. She walked over to the elevator and we went down.

"So what do we do about the team?" Tobin asked me. I was glad to know that she cared about my opinion and was going to respect it.

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