Chapter Nine

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*Christen's POV*

I woke up to the sound of Kelley on the phone with Hope. Today was game day and we would be on the bus at around 10 for a friendly against Puerto Rico. I usually sit next to Tobin on the bus. It took me a while to get that seat because Alex always sat next to her. I wondered where I was going to sit now that we were in this mess.

"Hope! Stop!" I heard Kelley scream into the phone.

"Kel, if you're gonna yell then get out" I mumbled grumpily.

"Oh, she's awake, I gotta go" Kelley said while hanging up. "Good morning! It's like college all over again!"

"What do you mean" I said tiredly while shifting in my covers.

"Don't you remember when you got so drunk you couldn't walk so you slept in my dorm?" Kelley said with enthusiasm. "Don't tell me you don't remember"

"If I was drunk how would I remember" I replied simply.

"Whatever. We have breakfast" Kelley said, jumping on my bed. "Get up!"

I groaned and covered my head with the pillow.

"I don't feel good" I whined.

"Yeah cause you barely slept fool!" Kelley said, still jumping on the bed. "Get some breakfast you'll feel better"

I agreed and trudged out of bed and pulled a sweatshirt over my tank top and put my hair in a bun. I got to the bathroom to wash my face, and put on some light makeup. Kelley was waiting by the door and she opened it, leading me out to the hallway.

"Don't let this bad mood affect you on the field I know I am no forward but you need to be confident up there" Kelley said, trying to pump me up for today's game.

"I know." I replied, "Tobin said the same thing"

"Oh. Sorry" Kelley said genuinely.

"Whatever" I said while we got into the elevator.

We went down to breakfast and Kelley told me to sit with her. I honestly didn't know why she was treating me like a six year old, I could sit wherever I wanted to. Trying to get away from everyone for a second, I told Kelley I was going to use the bathroom and I excused myself. The walk was long but I got there and stood in front of the mirror for a couple minutes. Something looked different. I looked different, there was something but I didn't look the same, I could barely recognize myself. The door suddenly swung open and I turned to see who it was. Tobin.

"Sorry" Tobin quickly said, moving out of the way. "About everything" she added.

Unable to think of any type of response, I carefully walked out with my head down. I walked back to Kelley and I finished breakfast with a familiar ache in my chest.

We went up to our room together and she helped me pack my game day bag. She seemed to know everything that went in it so I let her just finish the whole thing. It was nice to have someone who was constantly caring for you but it was better when that someone was Tobin. I missed her. It's only been a day and I miss her like crazy. How was I going to survive.

"Let's go Press" I heard Kelley's voice interrupt my thoughts.

"Coming" I said while slipping on some loosened sneakers.

We walked out into the hallway and Kelley was carrying my bags. I grabbed my bag from her hand, thanking her quickly.

"So... Who do I sit next to on the bus?" I asked her, expecting her to have planned it out.

"Whoever you want to" she replied gleefully. "It doesn't matter to me"

"Oh" I said.

I guess I would sit with Tobin, all the other seats would be taken and I didn't want to risk someone losing confidence by asking them for their seat. I'll sit with Tobin and it's gonna be fine.

The bus arrived and everyone got their stuff loaded and I sat in my usual seat by the window. A few minutes passed by and no one had sat next to me so I looked around the bus to see who was getting on. Tobin slowly made her way back to her seat and I quickly sat down and lowered my head. My headphones dangled from my lap and I quickly put them on. I felt the seat move a little as she sat down and my heart instantly started to beat faster. My phone buzzed with a text.

JJ: ur sitting with tobin?!

Me: yeah it'll be fine

I put my phone on my lap and I faced the window, looking at the bus slowly start to move. My heart was pounding out of my chest and I took a couple deep breaths to calm myself down.

*Tobin's POV*

I mindlessly took a seat next to Christen and I turned to talk to her but I quickly stopped myself, remembering that I needed to give her space. Was I supposed to sit somewhere else? Should I move? What am I supposed to do? My heart was beating at unhealthy rates and I could feel my cheeks start to redden. I was never going to get over her. I peeked over to see what she was doing and she was facing the window watching the lane lines pass quickly. She looked beautiful doing the most simple things and she made the long bus ride that much easier to bear.

I suddenly woke up to the sound of people shuffling around me and I slightly lifted my head, feeling a weight on my head. I pushed a little harder and I realized what it was. Christen. I carefully placed my hand under her head and moved my head out from under hers. She was sleeping. I didn't understand it, how did we keep finding our way back to each other? I didn't know what to do with her head. It was just in my hand, so I admired her.

I admired the line from her forehead to her chin, the silhouette of her cheek from the sun, the little bit of shade that came from the point of her nose, the stress marks in between her eyebrows, the way her eyes were closed in the most gentle way possible. The way she was in my hand, and the way I felt I had earned a little of her back. The way she made me feel even when she didn't. Everything. How was I supposed to let her go? How was I supposed to take something I wanted for so long, ruin it, and want it back? How was I supposed to just let her go through everything I did to her. How did this happen.


Authors Note: hey so school started on Monday for me so I'm gonna be a little busy with school sports and school and work and whatever but I'm honestly still gonna update as much as possible cause I know how it feels waiting for a fanfic to update. anyways, a lot of people are worried that this is gonna turn into talex but trust me it won't :) Preath will rise.

it's super late here and I have a game tomorrow so goodnight :-)

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