Chapter Three

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*Christen's POV*

Please tell me that did not just happen. Am I hearing things or did she just say they kissed? And that they had sex?! I debated with myself while standing outside of Alex's room.

I had left Mallory downstairs to watch our bags so I could go back up and get the keys which I forgot was with Tobin.

The door suddenly opened and revealed a teary eyed Alex. She looked at me with worry in her eyes but didn't say anything. I wanted to clarify what I had heard with her but I didn't want any of it to be true. Alex walked past me and I walked into the room.

I saw Tobin sitting at the edge of the bed with her head down.


Her head turned to reveal that she had shed a few tears too.

"Hey Chris. Are we ready to go?" She said while wiping a stray tear away.

"Yeah. Is everything okay?" I asked. I didn't want to ask her about what I had heard. I didn't want it to be true and I didn't want to bring up whatever drama it had behind it, seeing them in tears made me want to forget it.

"Yeah, Alex was just... over reacting. Something happened a while back and s- she was just confused about something. It's over now though" She said. "Let's go"

We walked down to the car where the bags were loaded in the car and we closed the trunk and got in.

As I drove, all I could think about was if everything I heard was true. I didn't want to think about it but I couldn't help it.

We got to the field where we were supposed to be practicing and I saw that all of the team was there, practicing. Jill was gonna be mad.

Tobin and I gathered our stuff and walked onto the field.

"GIRLS! Come here!" Jill's voice called.

"Shit" Tobin cursed while we ran to Jill.

Jill stood in the middle of the field with an angry look on her face.

"Why are you ladies late? There is no excuse for being late to practice. I saw you both at breakfast, why are you not showing up to practice? You're nearly 15 minutes late! 15 minutes! Do you want to get better? Do you want to improve?!" Jill practically screamed. "Both of you can expect to be benched during the next game" Jill stated.

I was shocked. Tobin needed to play. She had to get comfortable, she had just gotten back from her break due to injury.

*Tobin's POV*

Christen had to play. As a forward she needed to gain confidence in shooting the ball and scoring.

"Christen needs to play" I blurted to Jill.

Christen gave me a 'you-should-not-have-done-that-Jill-is-already-mad' look.

"She's a forward. Forwards need to be confident, they need to be comfortable with the pressure and the pace. You can't bench her. It wasn't even her fault. We were late cause I lost the keys. Christen needs to develop as much chemistry as possible with Alex and the midfielders if you want us to win our games against the better teams" I said with confidence.

Jill looked angry but I knew she couldn't disagree with what I had said.

"Fine. Press you'll sub in after halftime but Heath you're out the whole game" Jill declared. "Don't be late again" She said while walking away.

"Gosh" Christen said. "Thanks for saving my ass" She said while passing me a ball to warm up with.

"No problem, I want you to play your best" I said, knowing that being confident on the field was crucial to Christen.

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