Chapter Fourteen

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*Tobin's POV*

As my nurse took me to the room I would share with Christen, I wondered endlessly about who she was.

Finally, we arrived and the nurse drew open the curtain.

A beautiful girl. A beautiful hurt girl, worry and yearning in her eyes.

I still couldn't remember who she was but she seemed to remember me.

"Tobin! Are you okay? Oh my god I can't believe this happened" her voice cried. "The doctors told me you wouldn't remember me. I'm hoping the fuzziness will go away soon"

"Uh..." was all I could manage, watching her freak out over me. Watching a stranger care so much.

"It's okay. We can talk okay?" the girl said, leaning back in her bed as the nurse plugged me into machines on the other side of the room.

"Okay" I responded.

"Okay" she replied.

I took another second to admire her. She had blue eyes, but they looked green. Or did she have green eyes that looked blue? I didn't know but they mesmerized me. I couldn't stop looking at her.

"So... you were my best friend?" I asked, wanting to know.

"Well, I guess you could call us that" she started, "we were always a little more than just friends"

"What does that mean?" I asked, hoping for her to say that we were dating.

"Well we were like girl friends" she said, a smile rising to her face. "But we never made anything official I guess"

"Can I make it official right now?" I asked, needing to put a name to the aching I felt in my heart.

"Hahaha, sure. I would love to" Christen said, her smile radiating into me.

"So were we in love?"

"Yeah" she paused, "I was in love and you told me you were in love almost a million times. We were definitely in love"

"So... the team knows? I asked, referring to my hazy memory of my soccer team.

"Yeah but Jill doesn't. We might have to get to telling her soon" Christen said.

"Who's Jill?" I asked.

"It's ok. We're gonna take it one step at a time and get all of your memories back" she said while leaning back into her bed that she had basically gotten out of while talking to me.

"Yeah. One step at a time" I repeated, wondering if I would ever play soccer again. "My leg. Do you think I'll ever play again?" I asked, wanting an honest answer.

"Anything's possible. You taught me that" she responded, making blush rise to my cheeks.

"I'll be happy if that's all I do for the rest of my life" I said, shifting in my bed, causing pain in every inch of my body.

"You okay?" Christen asked, hearing the pain in my voice.

"Yeah" I said, "gonna go to sleep"

"Okay" was the last thing I heard before I fell into a light sleep.

I was awoken by the sound of chatter from familiar voices that I couldn't quite identify. I opened my eyes to see the entire team in our room. I recognized some of them but not the others.

"Tobin!" I heard a voice shout, "are you okay?" The blue eyed girl asked.

"Uh yeah" I replied, confused on who she was, "who are you?

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