Chapter Seventeen

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*Christen's POV*
I didn't know how to tell Tobin that I was scared I would lose her to Alex. I always thought she still might have had a thing for her but I never brought it up. I was too scared.

I laid in darkness as the sun began to go down and felt too lazy to turn the lights on. All I could think about was what I would do without having Tobin on the team. Jill had called me while Tobin and I were talking and I remember her exact words, "she can't play. So she wont play" I hated Jill right now. I hated her.

Suddenly the door opened and Tobin walked in with a manila folder.

"What is that?" I asked, scared it would be the contract that she needed to sign off.

"It's some form for rehabilitation" Tobin answered.

I let a sigh of relief out.

"Also Jill's taking me off the team" Her voice breaking, Tobin finally broke into tears and practically collapsed in my arms.

I held her until she calmed down before asking if she was okay.

"This is what I worked for. My entire life. This is the only thing I know. A stupid car crash took away my entire life. I should have just died then." Tobin said, her voice filled with anger and grief.

I cut her off before she could say anything else.

"Tobin. You know that's not true. You had nothing to do with what happened to you. Given these circumstances, you're doing amazing. Do you hear me? You're doing better than anyone else would be doing in your situation. When you woke up in that hospital bed, you didn't know anything. Look at you now. There's improvement Tobin. Its just hard to see from your perspective." I gave her a kiss on the head.

"Christen I don-"

"Stop Tobin. I love you. You're the only thing that matters to me. If I had lost you that day I don't know what the hell I'd be doing right now" I held her hand and stroked a few hairs out of her face with the other.

"I love you" I heard Tobin say in a small voice. "I really do. I'm sorry"

I sat down closer to her and looked into her eyes. No matter what happened, those soft brown eyes would never change. Her soft brown eyes. I promised myself I would never give up on Tobin. She needed my support more than ever at this point.

After a little bit of sitting in silence I asked if she wanted something to eat.

"I think I just want a juice box or something" Tobin said.

"Are you five?" I joked, getting a small smile from Tobin. "Just kidding. I'll be right back"

I left the room to go into the kitchen where everyone kept their small stashes of junk food. Although juice didn't count, I managed to find a Caprisun in the fridge. I grabbed two and went back.

"One for you" I said, handing Tobin the juice pouch.

"One for me" I said sitting beside her.

"Thanks. I hate to ask but can you put the straw in for me?" Tobin's muscle coordination and strength had been impaired.

"Of course" We spent the rest of the night on the bed, watching reruns of Family Guy, and talking about things we loved until I fell asleep.

*Later that night*
*Tobin's POV*

I woke up due to a sudden sharp pain in my head. I looked over to see Christen laying next to me, her hair covering her face. I couldn't help but smile at the sight of her sleeping. I checked the time and it read 3:41 am. I pulled out a small journal that the doctor gave me to write down my thoughts in. He claimed it would help me to go back and read them. I began to write.

I have no idea how I feel. Honestly. All I can say is that ever since the accident, it feels as if my heart beats differently. As if I'm a new person, but in the same body and brain. I don't know how I feel. I don't know if I can feel. One thing I can feel the most is Christen. I feel her love. All the time. She's the kind of girl that I used to read books about. She's enchanting. She's unexplainable. A mystery that only I have the opportunity to solve. All I know is that she's the best thing that's happened to me. And I don't even know how. It's 3 am and she's the one laying next to me. Maybe that's how I know. She's the only one who makes me feel this confused yet this certain. She is.

I slid my pen and journal under my pillow and went back to sleep. I looked down at Christen and pushed some hairs out of her face. I laid closer to her and began to fall back asleep in the comfort of her presence. Then I noticed that my head didn't hurt anymore.

Author's Note:
SORRYYYYYYY!!!!!!!! Holy I haven't updated in so long. I deleted this app because I needed storage for something but I forgot to download it again and as I was checking my old email I saw a bunch of notifications for it. Hopefully I can start updating more for you guys. I feel negligent

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