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The doctors thought it best to keep me in the hospital for observation for an undisclosed amount of time due to the trauma I had experienced. They moved me from the first floor up to the fourth floor, which is where the psych unit was located. Since I hadn't really talked much, eaten much, or even moved much since my first day there, they determined I was in a serious state of shock. Sam stayed by my side the entire time, while the rest of the family stopped by every day to see if there was any change in my demeanor. The doctors tried to get through to me by bringing my daughter up to see me, which is usually not allowed given the types of people who usually roamed the halls of the psych ward. Even in my current state, I overheard everyone talking about how Catelyn was just under 4 pounds and she was getting stronger by the day. At this point, I had been in the hospital for about a week and apparently I hadn't given anyone any sign that I'd be leaving soon. Sam was so worried he even summoned Cas to try and get through to me, but that didn't even leave a dent. On September 4th, about two weeks after my ordeal with the demons, I woke up feeling very weak. I scanned the room and Sam was nowhere to be found, so I grabbed a hold of the "call" button near my bed and paged a nurse. Within seconds, I had a nurse standing next to my bed. "I need some food," I told her. "And something to drink. Please." She wasted no time leaving the room to track down what I asked for, and while I waited, I grabbed the remote and turned on the television. Not even five minutes later, my nurse returned with a tray of food and a pitcher of water. I thanked her and helped myself to a semi-delicious meal while she left to go report to the doctor. I was about halfway done eating when Sam walked in the room. "You're back to reality AND you're eating?" he smiled. "You had us all so scared, babe." "What do you mean back to reality?" I asked. "And why am I in the psych ward?" "You don't remember, do you?" he replied. "I remember being kidnapped by demons," I said. "I also remember them trying to steal our daughter. Please tell me they didn't succeed." "You don't remember anything after that, though?" Sam asked. "Sorry," I replied. "Your dad, Dean, and I got to you just in time," he reminded me. "Dad and Dean took care of the demons, I brought you here. Unfortunately, they had cut you too deep and the doctors had to do an emergency C-section. Our daughter is perfectly fine, and you went into a state of shock. You were basically catatonic." "Really?" I replied. "How long was I down and out?" "It's been about two weeks now," he said. "I even tried to get Cas to help you. When that didn't work, I knew it was pretty bad." "I'm going to be alright, aren't I?" I was worried now. "The doctors said after the trauma you suffered, your reaction was pretty normal," he said. "But what matters is that you're finally back down to earth and you're eating. You lost a significant amount of weight in the last two weeks." "Significant?" I asked. "How much are we talking?" "The doctors estimated about 25 pounds," Sam replied. I looked down at my stomach and realized that I was practically skin and bones. "Holy crap!" I said. "Don't go getting yourself upset again, sweetheart," Sam said. "You can always gain the weight back, and you know we'll all help you with that in any way we can. The main thing is that you're going to be ok and Catelyn is going to be ok." "Am I allowed to leave this floor?" I asked. "I would like to see our daughter." "I'll see if the nurses can bring her to you," Sam said. "They've been doing it for the last two weeks, even though they're not supposed to. They were hoping if you saw her, it would snap you out of your state." "I'm sorry I caused so much panic," I told him. "You don't need to apologize for anything," he smiled. "You didn't ask for any of this. I'm just so happy to see you alert AND eating." He kissed my forehead and then left the room to find a nurse. A few moments later, Sam returned carrying Catelyn in his arms. He handed her off to me and I just sat there staring at her sweet little face for what seemed like forever. She slowly opened her eyes as I gently rubbed my hand up and down her cheek. "She's absolutely perfect," I smiled. "And she's a fighter, just like her mom," Sam said. "She has gained almost an entire pound in two weeks. The doctors say if she keeps this up, she can go home with us really soon." "We don't have anywhere for her to sleep, do we?" I asked. "We were supposed to go crib shopping before this entire debacle occurred." "Your Dad and Dean took care of everything," Sam promised. "Remember the old closet that we never use? They opened that up more and turned it into a nursery for Cate. Declan and Marissa went and picked out a crib and all the decorations." "Are you serious?" I smiled. "How did I get so lucky? We have the best family ever." "Pretty awesome for someone who thought she had no one when we first met," he replied. I looked back down at our daughter, who actually looked like she was smiling! I leaned in and gave her a kiss on her little cheek and for some reason, in that very moment, I knew that even after everything that had happened in those past two weeks we were all going to be ok.

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