A Sign From Above

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Everyone who knows me understands why February 21st is a day to just give me some space. For those who don't know me, a refresher course might be necessary...my Poppy and my Nana, the grandparents who raised me after both parents left, both passed away on February 21st (just not in the same year). Every year on that day, I go out to their graves and place fresh flowers there and then sit for a while and talk to them. February 21st of 2016 was no different; I got up early and walked over to Dad and Marissa's to borrow a car. Marissa was more than happy to let me borrow hers, so after thanking her numerous times I took the keys and drove to the flower shop. Linda, the manager, knew exactly what I was there for and had my flower arrangement all ready before I even arrived. I paid her, thanked her, then continued on my way to the cemetery. After removing the old flowers and placing the new ones, I sat down facing my grandparents' graves and started talking. I told them about my crazy 2015, the insane way my daughter came into the world, the fact that Scarlett was due to have her own baby any day now, and my resolution to make that year my best one yet. As I always do when I visit the cemetery, I wound up losing track of time. I had to have been there for at least an hour when my cell phone rang. "Hello?" I answered. "Hey Sammi," the voice on the other end said. "It's Drew." "Hey there, brother-in-law," I replied. "How are you?" "Going a little crazy at the moment," he admitted. "Is everything alright?" I asked. "Are my sister and niece okay?" "They're both fine," he assured me. "Your sister went into labor about 3 o'clock this morning. I can tell she's in a lot of pain and I just feel so bad that there's really nothing I can do right now." "You're a first time dad," I explained. "Your crazy feeling is totally normal." "Really?" Drew asked. "Absolutely," I assured him. "Sam froze up when I first went into labor with Cam. He basically zoned out and it took a few minutes for anyone to get him to come back to reality." "I am so glad to hear you say that," he admitted. "I thought there was something wrong with me." "So she's really in labor?" I asked. "Since 3 o'clock this morning?" "Yes," Drew said. "Last I knew she was almost 7 centimeters dilated." "Oh wow," I replied. "Little Mia will be here before you know it." "Yeah," he agreed. "This is a sign from Poppy and Nana," I smiled. "I mean, she could have gone into labor at any point from the time she was put on bed rest, but she didn't. And then you call me and tell me my niece is going to be born today...definitely a sign." "Wait..." Drew started. "Today is the 21st, isn't it?" "It is," I told him. "Wow," Drew said. "This is definitely your grandparents' handy work." "You should probably hang up now and go be with my sister," I replied. "She could be pushing very soon." "Thank you, Sammi, for the pep talk," he said. "You will be the first one to get a picture as soon as Mia is born." "Thank you, and good luck," I told him before disconnecting. I carefully got myself up (I was still nursing crutches...and yes, I know I went to an amusement park a week before), hobbled back to the car and drove back to Dad's. After thanking Marissa a few more times, I made my way back to the house where all three boys were sitting in the living room with the kids. "Where have you been, young lady?" Dean asked. "We were worried sick when we woke up and couldn't find you anywhere," Sam added. "You shouldn't be out walking on those things anyway," Declan said. "It can't be easy. You could have stolen my wheelchair." "Why are you encouraging her?" Dean asked. "Because I know what day it is," Declan smiled. "It's Sunday," Sam said. "He was referring to the date, babe, not the actual day of the week," I jumped in. "It's February 21st," Dean said, looking at his phone. At that point, it looked like a light bulb went off over Sam's head. "Oh my..." he said. "I'm so sorry, sweetie. I completely forgot. Why didn't you wake me?" "You looked so peaceful," I said. "Besides, I made it there and back in one piece." "I am so lost right now," Dean admitted. "My grandparents died on February 21st, years apart," Declan told him. "Oh right!" Dean said. "My apologies." "It's alright," I smiled. "In your profession, you tend to lose track of time." Sam walked over and gave me a hug. "Are you alright, honey?" "I'm perfect," I assured him, smiling. At that very moment, my cell phone pinged to let me know I had a text message. I opened it up and found a picture of my niece, just as promised. "Who is it, sis?" Declan asked. "It's Drew," I told him. "He made me a promise and he kept it." "A promise for what?" Dean asked. "To send me a picture," I smiled, turning my phone to show the boys. "Oh my goodness!" Sam exclaimed. "Is that our niece?" "It is," I replied. "Little Mia Lynn, born at 11:45am, weighing 7 pounds and 9 ounces. She is 21 inches long." "She is a cutie," Dean said. "Absolutely precious," Declan agreed just as his phone pinged. "Sounds like he sent you a picture too," I said. "If this isn't a sign from your grandparents, I don't know what is," Sam told me. "Drew and I said the same thing," I laughed. "We needed a reason to celebrate this day, now we have it." "What do you say we all go out to celebrate?" Declan suggested. "It'll be my treat." "I think that would be the perfect way to end this day," Dean replied. "You're just in it for the free food," Sam teased. We all shared a laugh before I said, "I agree with Dean, though. Celebrating WOULD be the perfect ending for today." Declan called up Dad and Marissa and invited them to come with us. At dinner that night, we all raised our glasses and made a toast to new life, health, and happiness.

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