Mary, Mary, Hunting Things So Scary

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It had been about a month since Cate's birthday, since we had all gotten to meet Sam and Dean's mother Mary. At that point in time, we thought we knew pretty much everything about the woman. We were about to find out that she had been hiding a pretty big secret from us. Every time we would get together with her, she would always mention John and how she never liked the fact that he was a hunter. Her father, Samuel (yes, Sam was named after his grandfather) was a hunter too, and she hated that he was always out on "jobs" and wasn't really around much. So imagine our surprise when Dean received a call from his mom reaching out for help with a case. Sam and I heard Dean's end of the conversation and we basically just put two and two together. "Wait, wait, slow down Mom," Dean said. "What are you talking about? (pause) What are you doing in Atlanta? (pause) Hang on, did you say case? As in, you've been a hunter this entire time and yet you were slamming the business? (pause and a sigh) I'll be there as soon as I can." After he hung up the phone, Sam turned to his brother and asked, "So Mom's a hunter too?" "Apparently," Dean replied. "She's working on some case in Atlanta and could use an extra hand or two." "Do you want me to come with you?" Sam asked. "I can ask Jim," Dean told him. "You should spend some time with your wife and your kids." "Are you sure?" I asked. "We have a date night planned for this Saturday. The kids and I can spend some time with Marissa or even Declan and Dana." "Are YOU sure?" Dean asked me. "Of course I am," I smiled. "This is your mom. You just got her back after 33 years of her being dead. Ok, that sounded weird, but you get my point." "I love you so much," Sam smiled as he gave me a kiss. "Take my dad too," I told them. "You never know when you might need an extra set of eyes, ears, and hands." "We'll be back as soon as we can, you have my word," Dean said as he gave me a hug. "Thank you, princess." "Just get out of here you big goof," I giggled. After they had left, I called up Marissa and asked her if she wanted to take the kids and go to the amusement park or even the zoo. That woman will do anything to get out of the house, especially when Dad and the boys are out on a hunt. She decided the zoo would be more fun, since we've been to the amusement park hundreds of times. She also insisted that I let her drive so I could "kick back and relax" for the semi-long ride. At one point during our zoo adventure, Marissa took the kids on the rides while I went off to the little shop to look at souvenirs. While I was browsing through some of the snow globes and key chains, my phone rang. "Hey baby," I answered. "How are things going with your mom?" "Would you like to know what she has us hunting right now?" he answered, sounding somewhat angry. "Something stupid, like vampires?" I replied. "Not even close," Sam said. "She has us chasing a freakin' Wendigo." "Oh boy," I replied. "I know how much my dad just loves those Wendigos." "Exactly," Sam responded. "If we had known ahead of time what we were dealing with, Dean and I never would have asked him. You know, out of respect for what happened with Anthony." "I know, sweetheart," I said. "Your mom could have told Dean exactly what she was hunting. Just do me a favor and keep a close eye on my dad, ok? I have no doubt in my mind that if he runs into the beast he will kill it, but he may go a little crazier than he needs to." "That's exactly why I'm so mad about this," Sam agreed. "Dad is a big boy," I reminded him. "He can handle his own. Just make sure you and Dean or your mom find the Wendigo first." "I'll try, babe," Sam said. "Are you and the kids having fun with Marissa?" "I'm actually enjoying some alone time in the souvenir shop at the zoo," I told him. "Marissa took the kids to enjoy some of the rides. We needed a break from the animals for a bit." "Make sure you give them both some love from me," he said. "I will, honey," I promised. "You go and kill that Wendigo for me and Anthony." "I'll do my best," he replied. "I love you." "I love you more," I told him, then hung up the phone. I picked out a few souvenirs that I really liked and headed out to meet Marissa and my children.  "Where did you disappear to?" she asked. "The souvenir shop," I said. "I picked out a few things for the kids and something for Sam." "You missed all the fun," she smiled. "Cam was pretending to be the engineer on the train and Cate was laughing at her brother. It was so cute." "Aww," I said. "I'm sorry I missed that." "I got it on video," she told me. "Have you heard from Sam yet?" "He actually called me while I was browsing," I replied. "Guess what Mary has them hunting." "Vampires?" she responded. "Werewolves? Hellhounds?" "What is the one thing that Dad probably should never hunt again?" I asked her. "Oh no.." she replied. "Please tell me you aren't talking about the Wendigo." "The one and only," I said. "I told Sam to make sure that either he, Dean, or Mary get to it first. Lord only knows what Dad will do if he comes across the damn thing." "Agreed," Marissa said. "I still can't believe that after all the things she said about her dad and John, about hating what they did, that she turned out to be a hunter as well." "It surprised me too," I admitted. "I mean, look at me. I was born into a family of hunters and you don't see me carrying on the tradition." "Well, there were times you TRIED," Marissa pointed out. "Yeah, yeah, I know," I said. "I tried to be the hero when I shouldn't have. But I DID save lives quite a few times. Who knows if someone else would have gotten to them in time?" "Have you ever thought about becoming a hunter, though?" she asked seriously. "Before I had my kids, yes," I answered. "These days, though, I wouldn't dare. They already have one parent and three other family members who hunt. If I had to use my skills to protect them, or any one of you guys, I wouldn't hesitate. But I'm not going to go out looking for trouble, like the boys and dad and now Mary, do." "Amen to that," she smiled. "What do you say we get out of here and go get us some lunch at the restaurant?" "I like your thinking," I smiled. We would find out later on that day that Mary was the one who found and terminated the Wendigo, but we made her promise to tell us what exactly she was hunting next time she needed help...especially if my dad was going to tag along. 

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