New Year, New Problems

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Dad and I were both released about 5 days after New Year's. He was lucky enough that he didn't need any help walking around...I, on the other hand, was going to have to use crutches for a few weeks. The doctor didn't want me walking on my leg until it was fully healed this time. Since I didn't like going up and down stairs on one leg, we had to set up the sleeper sofa in the living room. I knew that being the person he was, Sam was going to want to sleep next to me, but I wasn't going to let him do it. "Our bed is much more comfortable," I told him. "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. If I need to use the bathroom, there's one down here too." "That's not the point," Sam said. "You're my wife and I want to lay with you, not upstairs in a big bed by myself. Those days ended for me when I married you." "And I get that, I do," I replied. "But the kids' room is also upstairs, so I need you to stay up there too." "Dean's bedroom is also upstairs, baby," Sam said. "He can handle the kids. Plus, it's not that far of a walk from down here." "It's not up for discussion," I snapped. "Just please respect my wishes and go be comfortable upstairs." "You're being stubborn because you're in pain, so I won't take any of this personally," Sam replied. "But don't forget whose fault it is that you're in pain in the first place." "Yes, yes, let's bring that up again," I egged him on. "I thought we were over that? Didn't we call a truce?" "We did," he said. "But you're acting like it's anyone else's fault but your own that you have to walk around on crutches for the next few weeks. You were told to stay put or go home and you tried to play the hero." "Alright you two, enough," Dean stepped in. "You called a truce. You said you wouldn't talk about it anymore, so just stop. Sammy, if your wife wants you to stay near the kids, just do it. She's in pain, she's upset with herself, and she probably needs some space." "Fine," Sam said, feeling defeated. "Good night." He was clearly upset about my decision because he didn't even offer me a kiss or a hug good night. He just turned away and went upstairs to the bedroom. "Thank you for that," I told Dean. "Don't think this means I'm on your side here, princess," he replied. "Sam was right about you being stubborn. You can be upset with yourself all you want, but stop taking it out on the ones who love you and want to help you. Sometimes it seems like you still live in that world where you had no one, yet you have so many people who care about you now. You need to get over yourself. YOU made a judgement call, YOU got yourself hurt, and YOU need to suck it up and deal with the consequences." "I'm sorry," I said, quite sincerely. "You're right. You are absolutely right. I am upset with myself for this. I really shouldn't have been so harsh with Sam. I wasn't lying, however, about wanting him closer to the kids. Not that I don't trust you, of course, but they are OUR kids, not yours. And since I can't run up there if they need me, he's the next best thing." "I respect that," Dean replied. "But Sam is a pretty fast runner, you know." I couldn't help but to laugh. Declan, who had finally made it home from Canada, came rolling out of his room to see what was going on. "Is everything good out here?" he asked. "I heard a lot of arguing earlier. Where's Sam?" "He's upstairs in the bedroom," I told him. "Why isn't he down here with his wife?" Declan replied. "Because his wife is being a stubborn ass," Dean answered. "I get her view of wanting him closer to the kids, but she needs to stop being upset with herself over her injury and accept when people who love her are trying to be there for her." "You seriously sent him away because of your leg?" Declan asked. "Didn't you hear the part about being closer to the kids?" I shot back. "Seriously, sis?" Declan said. "I've seen Sam run. He's a pretty fast runner." "That's what I said!" Dean exclaimed. I knew they were both right, but the words still came out of my mouth. "Well the bed upstairs is much more comfortable than this one. I'd rather him be comfortable than have to suffer for my stupidity." "So then take my bed," Declan offered. "I'll take the couch bed. I've slept on less comfortable beds when I was in the military. I'm used to it." "Problem solved," Dean said. "I couldn't ask you to do that, big brother," I replied. "You didn't ask," he told me. "I'm offering and it's not up for debate. Now get your husband back down here, apologize, and go get some sleep." "What about the kids?" I asked. "Seriously?" Dean replied. "Uncle Dean can handle the kids. If I need help, I'm sure Uncle Declan wouldn't mind." "We got the kids covered," Declan agreed. "Sammy!" Dean called up the stairs. "Get your ass back down here!" Within seconds Sam was making his way back down to where we were all sitting. "What's going on?" Sam asked. "I was almost asleep you know." "Very funny," Dean replied. "You're sleeping with your wife tonight. Declan has so generously offered his room to you and you're going to take it. Declan and I will handle the kids if they wake up." "As I told my sister, this is not up for debate," Declan added. "Now you two get your asses into that room and get some rest. The two uncle Ds have the situation under control." "Yes, sir," Sam replied. Without saying a word to me, he picked me up off the couch, grabbed my crutches and carried me into Declan's room, closing the door behind us. After he carefully set me down on the bed, and placed my crutches against the wall next to me, he made his way around to the other side of the bed and got comfortable. At this point, he still hadn't said one word to me, so I decided to be the bigger person and start the conversation. It WAS, after all, me who started this whole mess. "I'm sorry I was such a bitch out there," I said. "You and Dean are absolutely right. I'm being stubborn because I'm upset with myself about my injuries. I made the decision to leave that car, so ultimately I'm responsible for the pain I'm feeling. It was wrong of me to take my anger over that out on you. You were just trying to love me, to be my husband, and I should have just accepted that. I guess it's like Dean said; there are some times when I forget that I'm not alone anymore. All I can do is promise to try and remember this isn't 2009 anymore and that I've come a long way since then. Anyway, I just thought you should know that I'm truly sorry for how I acted. I love you. Sweet dreams." I laid down on my side and faced away from Sam, feeling relief that I had gotten that little burden off my chest. I wasn't expecting him to forgive me right away, so of course I was caught of guard when I felt him put and arm on my shoulder and roll me to face him. "I love you, too," he replied. "Nothing you say or do is going to change that. You can fight me all you want, for whatever reasons you want, and I'm still going to love you. I'm not going to walk away, either. Fights are bound to happen in any relationship. The only thing you could ever do that would make me leave is become a cheater. And no, that time with Dean does not count because you two were under a witch's spell and didn't know better. So keep fighting me if it makes you feel better because I'm in this for life." I gave him a smile before I started tearing up. "I don't deserve you, you know that?" I told him. "I feel just the opposite," he smiled. "I'm the one who doesn't deserve you. I still can't believe how lucky I am to have you." He wiped my tears, I gave him a kiss, then I laid my head on his chest and passed out for the night.

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