Who Are You?

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Have you ever had a surgery where the doctor forgot to explain some of the possible side effects? Yeah, it happened to me. Because they were so pressed for time, and needed to fix me as quickly as possible, neither doctor explained to any of us any of the changes that could possibly happen to me. Granted most of them would be temporary at best, but it still wound up being seriously scary for my family. I woke up 8 hours after the surgery was over, and as usual the boys and my dad were at my bedside. "Welcome back, princess," Dean said. "How do you feel, sweetie?" Sam asked. "I feel like I need some aspirin and more sleep," I replied. "Where am I?" "You're in the hospital, pumpkin," Dad said. "You just had brain surgery." "Brain surgery?" I repeated. "Why would I need brain surgery? And why are there so many of you in here? Were there complications or something?" "Baby, that's not funny," Sam said. "I'm sorry?" I was confused. "Aren't y'all the doctors??" Dean's jaw dropped. Dad hung his head and shook it back and forth. Sam looked like he was ready to cry. "Sammi girl, you seriously have no idea who we are?" Dean asked. "Should I?" I asked in return. "You seem to know me well enough that you're using terms of endearment when talking to me." Sam was desperate at this point, so he pulled out a picture of Cam and Cate and handed it to me. "Awww," I smiled. "They're adorable. Are they yours?" "Yes!" he cried. "They're my kids..with you! Don't you remember???" "I'm sorry," I replied, starting to tear up. "Please don't hate me." "We could never hate you, princess," Dean said. "Especially not Sam. He's your husband. He loves you more than life itself. Nothing you could say or do could ever change that. Unless you cheat on him. That's the only thing that would break his heart." "Cheating is evil," I replied. "Anyone who cheats on a person they love is just pure evil." "Well she may have forgotten who we are, but at least some of her brain still works," Dad chimed in. "I'm sorry we forgot to mention the side effects of brain surgery," the neurosurgeon said as he walked in the door. "We wanted to get her fixed up as soon as possible to prevent any further damage." "What's going on with my wife right now?" Sam asked, teary eyed. "It sounds to me like she has a bit of amnesia," the doctor answered. "Unfortunately, it's one of the side effects. It doesn't happen to everyone, but obviously your wife is the exception." "Is she ever going to regain her memory?" Dean asked. "9 times out of 10, the amnesia is only temporary," the doctor said. "The only problem is there is no way of knowing just how temporary. It could be as little as a few hours or as much as a few months." "Months?!" Sam exclaimed. "Calm down, Sam," Dean said. "We've gotten through much worse. We'll deal with it for as long as it takes for Sammi girl to come back to us." "How long does she have to stay in the hospital?" Dad asked. "Does the amnesia affect her release at all?" "No," the doctor replied. "The recovery time is still 2-5 days, as long as there is no more bleeding or potentially life-threatening side effects." "Thank you for everything, doc," Dean said, shaking his hand. "I'll be back in to check up on her later this evening," the doctor told us before walking back out the door. "Months..." Sam said again. "I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but you're absolutely adorable when you're worried," I told him. "Can I hug you?" I managed to get a small smile out of him. "Of course you can," he replied. He leaned over and wrapped his arms around my waist and I put mine around his neck. We sat like that for a good five minutes before I said, "Thank you. That felt good. It felt familiar." "Are you sure you don't remember who we are?" Sam asked. I just shook my head and broke down into tears. All three men gathered at my side and swept me up into a group hug. I started feeling all kinds of emotions coursing through my veins, but still couldn't figure out who any of them were. "Thank you," I told them. "I hope you don't find me cruel, but I think I just want to be alone right now." "We could never think you were being cruel, pumpkin," Dad said. "You've been through a lot these last few months. Just get some rest and we'll come back tomorrow." He kissed my forehead and Dean followed suit. "Please get better soon, princess," he told me. "We miss you." The two of them left and it was just me and Sam. He got up to go, leaning over to kiss my cheek, but something inside me made me grab his arm. "I didn't mean you," I told him. "I don't know what it is, but I feel safe with you here. And you're making me catch all kinds of feelings. Please don't leave me." He sat back down next to me and scooped me up into his arms. "I wouldn't ever leave you," he promised. "I love you more than you know." I laid my head on his chest and just listened to his heartbeat for a while. I really did feel safe in his arms, even though at that point in time I had no idea why. "Why don't you try and get some rest, sweetheart?" Sam told me. "You've been through a lot recently." "You promise you're going to stay here with me?" I asked. "You're not going to leave once I'm asleep?" "You have my word that I will be here all night," he said. "I dare anyone to try and stop me." I smiled at him and kissed his cheek. I made myself comfortable in his arms while I wrapped my arms around him. I may not have remembered my family at that moment, but I DID sleep rather well that night with Sam by my side.

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