The Life of the Common Thief

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I was walking down the streets of the Hidden Sand Village, admiring the beauty of the desert in the morning. I could smell the fresh sent of the sand, and see the sun's horizon just beyond the edge of the village.

I looked around and saw one vendor had already open shop. A smirk crossed my face and I heard my stomach rumble. 'Haven't eaten in days...' I thought in my mind. I watched as woman about mid 20's purchased a loaf of bread.

I snuck passed the kart and saw the man had left to chase down the woman who must of forgot to pay. I licked my lips as I examined every loaf. 'Just two wouldn't hurt...' I thought as I picked up two loafs of bread.

I was just about to sneak passed, when my stomach growled even louder than before.

"Hey you, stop right there!" The vendor shouted, shaking his fist up in the air.

I didn't listen I just started running, running as fast as my feet could carry me. I turned my head and saw that he must of sent a small group of shinobi ninja to chase after me.

I stopped for a moment and spun around.

"Sand wall!" I shouted as I lifted my arms, making sand from the floor rise and form a good solid wall.

I quickly ran and turned into a dark alley, and watched as the ninjas who managed to get over ran passed me.

"One of these days you're gonna get caught." I heard Rin's voice.

I turned and glared at her. "At least I have the guts to go and smuggle food!"

"At least my gut doesn't nearly get me caught and taken to prison."

I groaned at her smarts and wit. "Keep talking like that and you won't get any bread!" I said as I stood up.

She giggled. "Alright..." She said with a smile. "Thanks for getting the bread this morning."

"You're welcome." I replied as I tossed her one of the loafs.

"Now don't go choking down the bread like you always do Kiyomi, or you won't have food for dinner."

"I know Rin!"

"You always say that and end up eating it all!" Rin argued.

"Fine, I'll just eat half." I moaned as I broke my piece in half. I set my back against the wall of a building and sat on the floor, eating the bread I had.

"Now don't you feel more full?" Rin asked.

"No, I'm still starving!" I said as I crossed my arms.

"Don't be stubborn."

"What ever..." I said as I looked out into the streets and saw the giant building the Kazakage lived in off in the distance.

Later at night when it grew dark...

Rin and I had snuck up onto the roof of a building, and could see just about everything in the village.

"The village sure is beautiful at night." I said as I laid down on my stomach near the edge of the roof, and pushed my blond bangs out of my face.

"Yeah it is." Rin answered as she laid on her back to gaze up at the stars.

I nodded as I sat up and wrapped my arms around my knees as I held them up to my chest. I sighed as I stared at the Kazekage's mansion off in the distance. "Have you ever met the Kazekage Rin?" I asked.

"No." She said, sounding like she didn't really care. She never really cared if I talked about stuff that didn't involve her or smuggling food.

"I've heard he's really handsome, and cares for everyone in this village, even the common thieves like us." I said.

"Yeah, he's also the exact same age as you."

I giggled. "To think someone my age, being powerful enough and wise enough to become Kazekage!" I said as a smile crossed my face. "Boy would I die to see him again..." I whispered. 'But why would the great Kazekage Gaara ever want anything to do with me, the common thief?' I said in my mind.

I looked at the full moon above the Kazekage's mansion and sighed. "Goodnight Rin." I said as I turned to look to find her sound asleep already. I let out a laugh as I laid down and closed my eyes. "Gaara of the Desert..." I thought as I drifted off to sleep.

Just a common thief (Gaara love story)Where stories live. Discover now