The Kanji

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It sure was nice meeting you Naruto but... Gaara has a lot of work to do, and I need to get back to helping out... On missions." I lied.

"Ok, better let you go then Gaara. It sure was nice seeing you again... You know I'll be here all day and a few hours tomorrow so if you wanna hang out ya know..." Naruto said smiling with a big toothy smile.

Gaara nodded his head and Naruto left. "He sure is... Different." I said as I watched him walk down the sandy path.

Gaara chuckled to himself. "Yeah, he is. That's why I believe he will very well be the next Hokage."

"Hokage? Are you sure Gaara? He's just so foolish." I said as we began to go back to walking around in the village.

"He may seem a bit dim witted but he is serious when he needs to be, and has what it takes to be a hokage... Determination, and love, not to mention he'd do anything to protect the ones he loves." When Gaara said that I looked at his forehead. I just noticed that he had the kanji 'love' Just below his hairline.

"Oh my gosh! Speaking of love, you have the love kanji on your forehead!" I said as I stopped to examine it. He began to blush just as red as his hair and I giggled. "It's so damn cute!"

He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. "Ran out of words to say Gaara Sama?" I giggled as I played with his spiked red hair. It was so soft and it always laid perfectly... Well at least before I would go mess it up.

Gaara coughed and cleared his throat. "It was nice to get to know you better Kiyomi, we should do this again sometime." He said as he rushed passed me.

"Hey Gaara wait!" I hollered. He turned around to look at me. "Hope you don't mind me asking but... Why do you have that kanji on your forehead?" I said as I pointed to my forehead where the kanji would be.

Gaara stood there and just looked at me with no expression what so ever. "The kanji... I carved it myself." He answered as he walked back up to me. "I just felt like carving it onto my head."

"Oh." I said as he turned around to leave. "Hey Gaara!" I shouted. "Maybe if I get in trouble again soon, we can maybe go get some more ramen! On me!"

He laughed so quietly I barely heard it. "I'm ok with that, just don't go getting into too big of trouble now." He said and began walking back to the Kazekage mansion.

I watched as he walked into the crowd of people, and let out a big sigh. He sure was one great Kazekage. Something then changed within me. I felt I should change. I then felt a hand on my shoulder which interrupted my thoughts... "You are in big trouble now, Kiyomi!"


Sorry for it being so short and meaningless guys. :(

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