Gaara's View

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Gaara's POV

Kiyomi and I just got onto the sand cloud and took off. I didn't want Kiyomi to fall off so I wrapped my arm around her waist, and she placed her hands on my chest and rested her head on my shoulder. I was surprised she did that, considering how bashful she got when something kind of... Romantic happened between us.

I felt my heart race and I feared, Kiyomi could feel it. This was going to be a long trip, and I found this very strange... But yet I welcomed this sensation I was feeling. I never felt so close to another human in my life, not even my own brother and sister.

"Gaara... We are friends, right?" Kiyomi said as she looked up at me, her eyes beaming. She was looking right into mine, and hers were a bright sky blue color that sparkled in the light. It felt as though those blue sparkly eyes were peering into my soul... Searching for something.

"Of coarse Kiyomi, you... You and Naruto are basically my two only friends." I answered. I had others but they weren't as close to me as Kiyomi and Naruto.

Kiyomi blushed as she poked her cheek with a small delicate finger. She looked down, blushing a light shade of pink and giggled in that quiet and girly way of hers.. "Is it alright if I call you Gaara-Kun?" She asked, not looking up at me.

I was speechless. No one ever really called me Gaara-Kun... Other than all the fan girls back in the village at least. I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out, so I snapped it shut.

"If you preferred me calling you Gaara-Sama that is perfectly fine, I understand."

"No, it's fine." I said feeling a bit weird. I then began wondering...

"Really? Um... Thanks... Gaara-Kun!" Kiyomi said sounding a bit bashful. She seemed so sweet, I found it hard to believe she came from that powerful clan.

I let out a single laugh and nodded my head...

Several hours later...

It was dark out and there were still trees as far as the eye could see. We still had about another day and a half of traveling but it would probably only take us a day. Soon I was sure the trees would start to fade, and the wonderful sand would begin to appear.

Kiyomi and I were now sitting on the sand cloud, since our legs grew tired after the first few hours of flying. We sat cross-legged, so I had to use more sand. Luckily there was more sand when we decided to sit.

I looked straight ahead with my arms crossed, as Kiyomi suddenly laid her head on my shoulder, her hand softly hit my arm. I turned and saw her eyes closed shut, and her breathing slowing down. She had fallen asleep.

I was a bit startled. I didn't know if I should of woken her up, stopped to make camp, or just let her lie like that. I blushed slightly, as I decided to just let her be. I looked up at the sky and saw a full moon, with small stars surrounding it. The night was much prettier here out in the forest, rather than the desert.

There was a slight breeze, that ruffled our hair, and I could tell it sent a chill down Kiyomi's spine. She began to shiver little. I could feel the skin on her shoulders, vibrating as the wind blew across her cool body. I could just see the tiny goosebumps forming on her skin.

I couldn't let her be cold, since she could of caught a cold. She wasn't wearing warm clothes like I was, (by warm clothes I mean clothes that were still pretty cool, but warmer than wearing a tank top belly shirt and shorts.) so I wrapped an arm around her, bringing her closer to my chest.

Her shivering began to stop, but she still had some small goosebumps left on her skin. A small grin grew across my face, as I felt this warm feeling in my heart. My smile quickly faded, and was replaced by a look of shock and fear. Just then Kiyomi began shivering violently, but not because of the cold.

She winced, and began turning. "No... No... No!" She half mumbled, half shouted. She must of been having a nightmare.

"Kiyomi!" I said as I grabbed her shoulders. "Kiyomi!"

"Stay back! You... You monster!" She shouted and tears built up in her eyes.

"Kiyomi, snap out of it!" I said even louder.

"Leave me alone! I hate you!!!" She screamed, beginning to sob.

"KIYOMI, WAKE UP!!!" I hollered as I shook her shoulders. Kiyomi finally snapped out of it, and immediately stopped crying. Her eyes were wide open, and she let out a gasp. She grabbed her chest and began breathing hard. "Kiyomi, what happened?" I asked, so softly as if it were a whisper.

"Oh Gaara-Kun!" Kiyomi said as she clung to me and began sobbing again.

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