Unexpected Hospital Visit

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I walked to Rin's hospital room, with a bouquet of flowers in my hands. I slowly opened the door, and closed it behind me. I put the flowers in a vase, and set them on the table beside Rin's bed.

"Hey Rin, I hope you feel better soon..." I said as I looked down at her with a bit of sorrow, I hated seeing my best friend hurt... I really did. I was thinking about how heroic Rin was but my thoughts were interrupted when I heard the door creak open.

"Oh... Hey Kiyomi... I didn't expect to see you here..." Kankurō said bashfully as he held a bouquet of red roses. He wasn't wearing his purple face paint, or his black suit, instead he wore black pants with white bandaging around his legs, with a pair of black flip flop sandals, and a creme colored v-neck t-shirt. He had a white sash wrapped around his waist and the ends hung down on the right side. You could see his brown hair that was styled kind of like Naruto's.

"I just came here to visit my best friend... Why are you here?" I asked, a bit curious.

"Well... I just... Wanted to give her these flowers." Kankurō said blushing.

"You like Rin, don't you?" I said with a smirk as I folded my arms.

"So what? I can't like a girl?" He retorted as he stepped in the room. He stood beside me and let out a sigh. "I wish she would just wake up already..."

"I do too." I said as I looked at my friend's peaceful looking body.

"I really wish she could see me drop off these flowers...." Kankurō said as he twirled the bouquet in his hands.

I giggled. "She will love them."

Kankurō chortled. "Ya think so?"

"Yeah. She always like those kind of things."

"Well, if she wakes up, can you tell her, Knakuro brought her these roses?" He said as he held out the bouquet. "I was hoping she was conscious, but apparently she isn't. I wanted to give them to her quickly and leave, since Gaara needs me to help him write paper work... He's pretty far behind."

"I will." I said as I grabbed the bouquet from Kankurō's hands.

"Thanks Kiyomi, bye." Kankurō said as he waved and left Rin's hospital room.

I stood by Rin's side and grasped her hand. It was small and delicate. I smiled as I watched her steady breathing. Just then, her eyes slowly opened. "K-Kiyomi?" She whispered so quietly.

"Rin! You finally woke up!" I said happily.

"I-is everyone... O-ok?" Rin asked so quietly. "Is Gaara safe?"

"Everyone is perfectly fine Rin, and Gaara is back at the mansion doing his everyday work." I said with a single tear.

"What happened? Did... Did I miss anything?"

"Well, Gaara killed my clan. I was shocked but had an idea. I left them and went to get Naruto's help and then grabbed Gaara's gourd and I killed my father. Everyone is back to their everyday life."

"That's.... That's excellent!" Rin said as she smiled at me and looked at the table by her bed. And saw the cards and vase of flowers.

"I got you the vase of flowers..." I said as I pointed to them.

"I see that." Rin then turned and looked at me. "Then what are those?" She pointed to the roses.

"These?" I said and looked at the roses. "They were from Kankurō, he wanted me to give them to you, since he was in a hurry." I said and handed her the roses. She sniffed them and let out a breath.

"They are beautiful!" She said happily.

"Yeah, he has a little crush on you, you know?" I chuckled.

"That's sweet." Rin said as she blushed. She must of liked Kankurō back. "That was sweet of him to drop these flowers off too." Rin said with a smile. "Tell him, Gaara, and Temari that I said hi."

"I will." I said and gave Rin a hug. "But only if you get better so we can go do cool stuff together again!"

"Ok." Rin giggled. "Thanks for seeing me Kiyomi, I know I wasn't always nice to you."

"Nonsense, you're like a big sister to me!" I said with a smile. "I'll see you tomorrow, Rin. The doctor said you can come home in three days." I said as I opened the door. "I'll be waiting in the alley for you!"

"I'll be there!" Rin said happily. I was about to leave when Rin spoke. "And Kiyomi, kiss Gaara already, would ya?"

I blushed real bright red and laughed. "Alright..." I said as I walked out and closed the door behind me.


Thought I'd add this little Kankurō and Rin bit for a cute little chapter. Hope you enjoyed. :)

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