Caught Red Handed

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"See ya Rin," I hollered as I walked out of the alley. "I'll be back in an hour or two."

"Don't go by the Kazekage's mansion, Kiyomi." Rin ordered.

"I won't!" I said as I started walking down the path, to find the vendor I stole from yesterday, sitting at his stand. "Hm...."

I dug my hand in the sand and clutched it in my palm.

"Hey you! You're the girl who stole from me!" The vendor bellowed as he shot up from his seat.

"What?" I said confused. Just then two ninja grabbed my arms and held them behind my back and kicked me to the ground. They took out some rope and tied my wrists together.

"Come on, the Kazakage will determine your punishment." One of the ninja said.

I struggled to get my hands untied but then the ninja lifted me back up to my feet and started pushing me to the Kazekage's mansion.

After several pushes they had brought me up to the Kazekage's room.

"What have you brought to me." I heard Gaara's voice as he was turned from us, staring out the window.

"We brought the thief, responsible for all the robberies reported by vendors." One of the ninja answered.

Gaara turned around and I could see his beautiful auburn hair, that huge gourd he always carried around, and I noticed he had grown a lot since I last saw him. "Who is she?"

"Unknown, Kazekage Gaara."

"Let her go." Gaara ordered.

"But Kazekage-"

"I said to let her go." He repeated. "I will deal with her, now please leave."

"Yes Gaara." The two ninja said as they untied my wrists and left the room

"Who are you?" Gaara asked me.

"Kiyomi... Kiyomi Tanaka." I answered.

"So you're the thief stealing food from all the vendors."

"Only because I can not afford food, Gaara Sama." I whispered as I approached the great Kazekage.

Gaara stood there looking at me, and I couldn't determine whether he was glaring at me or just staring at me. "I won't punish you..." He said.

"Oh thank you Kazekage Gaara!" I said as I smiled at him.

He chuckled and smirked at me. "I do ask of you to stop smuggling food however."

"I will!" I said as I gave him a hug. I could tell he was blushing, even though I couldn't see his face.

He then coughed to clear his throat. "Perhaps we could talk about this over a walk through the village?"

"I'd love that!" I said, shooting him a toothy smile. "You know, you're not so bad for a Kazekage!" I said as I placed an elbow on his shoulder, and we began to walk out of the Kazekage mansion.

Just a common thief (Gaara love story)Where stories live. Discover now