Reliving that Horrible Nightmare

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Kiyomi's POV

In the dream...

I was out walking around the streets of Suna, admiring it's beauty. It was right after ninja school, and today was the perfect day. It was sunny out and the birds were chirping. The sand glistened in the sunlight, and you could see the little white specks.

I was only 12 and I was thinking about the chunin exams coming up in a few months. "I sure hope I become a chunin! On my first try, that would be amazing!" I giggled as I walked down the streets. I then remembered, mom and dad would be worried if I didn't get home soon.

I began meandering down the streets back home, daydreaming about what the chunin exams will be like. I was a dedicated ninja, and would kill to become chunin. I had my hands behind my back and my eyes were closed and smiled as I slowly just took my time.

Just then my eyes shot open as I heard screaming, coming from my clan. I couldn't tell if it was my clan or somewhere nearby, but knowing it was trouble, I quickened my pace greatly. I began sprinting back home and sure enough it was coming from my clan.

I cautiously entered the clan, not knowing what dangers awaited, and looked around and shouted, "Hello?". I could still hear screaming and I ran deeper in. I could see a dark figure killing several of my clan. I let out a gasp, as I could see my mom and dad laying beside the path, limp and lifeless.

Their heads hung to the side, and their eyes shut. They were splattered in blood and had many holes in their skin along with sand, coating their body. Their mouths looked flooded with blood, and they looked as if they were... Dead.

I looked up and saw a short figure, about my height standing about 5 meters before me. There was a shadow casted over what seemed to be a person. The figure slowly took a step closer, causing me to take a step back. "Who are you?" I asked. "What did you do to my family?"

There was no response, and the figure came closer. I began to shake in my skin, and my teeth clattered. My eyes grew wide. I took a few steps back a a the figure approached me... Quickening his pace slightly. "No, No, NO!!!" I screamed

I took another step back, and tripped over a stone, falling on my back. I winced at the shooting pain in my back and looked ahead to see the figure walking towards me. I began scooting myself backwards, too scared to stand up. "Stay back, you... You monster!" I shouted.

The creature didn't stop walking. "Leave me alone! I HATE YOU!!!" I screamed even louder in fear, my blood pounding in my head, as tears streaked my face. I could feel my heart beat against my chest, as if it were trying to break out. I glanced up above my body and saw the figure, but was still hidden in a shadow. I began to stutter as the person began peering out of the dark, but I could only glance at his feet.

I gathered the courage to look up, but once I was about to look at his face! my eyes shot open...

"KIYOMI, WAKE UP!!!" Gaara hollered as he shook my shoulders. He looked at me, conserned. My cheeks felt damp, and I could taste a hint of salt in my mouth. Was I... Crying? I thought. "What happened?" I heard Gaara whisper softly, sounding much more calm.

I then remembered the foul nightmare and began sobbing again. "Oh Gaara-Kun!" I shouted and clung to Gaara, clenching a fistful of his coat as I buried my face in his chest, sobbing loud. That nightmare was basically reliving that moment when I found my clan killed.


Sorry this chapter is so short guys. :(

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