Kiyomi's Return

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Kiyomi's POV

I stood by the entrance with Gaara's gourd strapped to my back. It was quite heavy, since it was loaded with several pounds of sand. I ran away from the house, not to get away from Gaara, but to grab his gourd I assumed was in his mansion. When I was there, I grabbed the scrolls I found on his desk that were about my clan. I found out that it was a good thing he actually killed them.

I wasn't too mad at Gaara, he couldn't help it, and like I said before, nothing could ever make me stop loving him. "I've come back to kill you Hideo!" I shouted.

"What are you gonna do? Throw the gourd at me?" Hideo snickered.

"No..." I said as I pulled the plug out of the gourd. I then raised my hands as the sand came shooting out of Gaara's gourd. I circled around me and then around Hideo. It formed a huge sphere around him, trapping him, and it grew as solid as stone. I stepped out side and controlled more sand as I walked in the house.

"Let me out!" I heard my father shout as he pounded on the stone sphere.

"Never... Say good bye father." I said as I walked up to the solid sphere.

"I can't die! Not by the hands of my own daughter!" My father screamed.

"Bye father..." I whispered. "It's time you finally accepted death. Now you will be dead, like you should be." I then got more sand and turned them into large, sharp needles. I then threw them into the sphere, piercing my father.

I could hear his deafening screams of agony, and could see his blood trickle from the bottom of the sphere. "Sand coffin..." I said as I closed my hand into a fist and the sphere closed in on my father. I could hear his bones crunch as I crushed him into a pulp. I opened my hand and the sand fell to the ground.

My father laid there limp, and lifeless. He had huge holes all over his body, and he was stained with his own blood. His chest wasn't moving, and I couldn't sense a pulse. His eyes were white and his body looked like he was crushed by a large boulder.

"I told you, I was here to kill you." I whispered. "I said I would save Gaara and I never go back on my word..."

"Kiyomi, why did you come back?" Gaara asked.

"I just left to grab your gourd. I also knew Naruto was back in Suna so I went to get his help." I answered.

"But I thought you hated me?" Gaara said as he walked up to me.

"I thought I told you Gaara, I could never hate you?" I said as I looked in his sea foam eyes. "I was shocked, and a bit torn, but... I read those scrolls on your desk... I understand why you did it."

"Kiyomi..." Gaara said with a single tear escaping his eyes. I smiled at him and gave him a hug.

"I love you Gaara-Kun, and no matter what you do, I will always love you..." I whispered in his ear as tears cam streaming down my face. Tears of happiness.

"I love you two." Gaara replied.

"So I was right! You two do love each other!!!" Naruto teased as he began laughing. "I knew it!"

"Shut up you moron, before I crush you with my sand coffin!!!" I shouted in Naruto's face.

"Jeez... Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed..." Naruto muttered.

"Come on Gaara, let's go, before the village goes in a wide spread panic." Kankurō said as he placed a hand on Gaara's shoulder.

Gaara nodded his head. Kankurō walked by Rin and Temari, and picked up Rin in his arms as Temari stood next to him. We then left the house, and the place where my forgotten clan used to live. We all started our way back to the Kazekage's mansion to clean up and celebrate.

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