The Team's First Mission.

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I groaned of boredom as we walked down the streets of Suna. This had to be the most boring mission ever! "What's wrong Kiyomi? Do you not like the mission I had assigned us?" Gaara asked as he turned to look at me.

"Don't get me wrong Gaara, I love looking for chickens as much as the next girl but... It's boring." I said as I stopped for a moment. "We've been looking for these chickens for at least two hours and still haven't found them!" I then saw a box by a market place and sat on it and began rubbing my feet. "My feet are also getting very sore..."

"Wow Kiyomi," Rin began as she looked at me. "you can go off robbing markets all day but can't spend a few hours to look for three lost chickens?"

"Hey, robbing markets requires skill to sit out and keep watch for the hours the market employees are there and aren't. It also takes good evaluation to determine which market has the most of what we need. It's all a complicated process ok. This is just walking while looking for something!"

Gaara stopped and looked at me with wide eyes. He then smiled as he walked up to me. "You may have something there Kiyomi?" I was a bit confused, but pleased I had said something that Gaara agreed to.

"What do you mean Gaara?" I said feeling hopeful that this mission would get more exciting.

"You said you wait out to see when the shop keepers are at their shops and when they aren't. Well we could try to wait out the chickens." He said in a cheerful voice.

My heart leaped since this could be a bit more exciting. "Yeah!" I said as I hopped off the box. "Ok so we will need to bait them out with corn, and chicken feed. We can then lead them into a crate and then lock them up!" I said with a smile.

"Well we could ask the owner of the chickens for the bait, and crates." Rin said as she looked at me.

"Ok so here' she plan." I said as I looked at the two. "Rin, you can go and get he bait and the chicken crates. Gaara, you will need to get us walkie talkies in order to communicate with each other. And I will spread out the bait and set up the crates." I said as I looked to the two. "Now go get your stuff and we will meet back up here!" I said.

The two nodded as the went their separate ways to get what we needed.

When they met back up...

"Here's the chicken feed and crates!" Rin said as she threw the bags of feed on the floor and set the crates down next to it.

"I also grabbed three walkie talkies." Gaara said as he handed them out. I smiled at him as I wrapped the device around my ear and adjusted the mouth piece to be right I front of my mouth.

"Alright. We will need to set up. Gaara, you will be set up near your mansion. Rin will be set up near the front entranceway of Suna. Then I will be set up on the west side of Suna." I said as I grabbed one bag of feed. "Each of you will drag a bag to your hideout and then set a crate near your spot. And then pour the rest of the feed in the crate. Am I clear?"

"Yes." Gaara and Rin said as they picked up their bags of chicken feed and grabbed a crate. "We will report to each other when we've caught a chicken, and keep each other informed on the mission." Gaara added. "When we are finished, we can meet up by the chicken owner."

We then all left to our hideouts as we dropped chicken feed down the path.

Rin's POV

I had set out the crate near the entrance of the village. I hid in a giant pot to the west of the crate, and peek my head out enough so my eyes could catch a glance of any chicken to wander into the crate.

"Ok is everyone set up?" Gaara asked through the walkie talkie we had on our ears.

"Yes." I answered as I spoke in the speaker.

"Affirmative!" Kiyomi said excited.

I then spotted something tan moving about near the crate. "I think I see one of the chickens." I whispered as I eyed the figure. I then got ready to leap out of the pot to close the crate. I then saw the figure, and noticed it was one of the chickens.

Once it finally got into the crate, I bursted out of the pot and quickly locked the hatch before the chicken had a chance to escape. "GOT ONE!" I shouted as I was so happy to finally have one of the chickens. "I'm leaving to give it to the owner."

"Excellent work Rin!" Kiyomi praised.

"We should meet you there not too long from now." I heard Gaara speak. I nodded as I began to walk with the crate. I felt so glad that we were almost finished with this boring mission.

Gaara's POV

I was hiding near the side of my mansion and It had been an hour after Rin had found one of the chickens and I was getting real tired of this waiting. I really wanted to get this mission over with. It was so simple yet we had to come up with a complex plan in order to finish the mission. As I was in deep thought I then heard the noise of a hen and saw a white figure slowly approach the chicken crate.

"I see a chicken, Kiyomi." I said as I waited for the right time to act.

"Excellent, me too!" Kiyomi said real fast.

I then quickly leaped out of hiding and locked the crate door. I picked up the crate and informed Kiyomi on my catch. After she praised me I walked to the owner like we planned. We were finally almost finished... It's all up to Kiyomi now.

Kiyomi's POV

I had just been informed that Gaara had caught the second hen. I was so glad since the third hen was right by me. I was hidden in a dark alley, just beside the crate. The chicken had walked in the crate, but I didn't want to be careless and accidentally try to close it too early or I might startle the hen.

I slowly crept out of the shadows and then closed the hatch shut and locked it. I picked up the crate with the chicken inside, my heart pounding so much I thought it would burst through my chest. "I got it! I got the last chicken!" I exclaimed as I began running to the owner's house.

Once I had reached my destination I saw Gaara, and Rin standing by the owner with two of the crates. "I got the last one right here for you sir!" I said with a huge toothy smile.

"Well thank you! I sure hope I wasn't a bother." The man said as he grabbed the three crates.


I was interrupted by Rin smacking the back of my head. "Glad to help sir." Gaara said as he looked at the man with no emotion.

"Well thank you for your help great Kazekage Gaara!" The man said as he gave Gaara some money. I watched as the man walked into his home and closed the door behind him.

"Here you go." Gaara said as he handed me the money. I held it in my hand and saw it was enough money for me and Rin to buy food for a week!

"What? You're giving me all of it?" I asked as I looked up at Gaara.

"You earned it." He said as he was about to leave. I clutched the money in my palm and a tear came to my eye.

"Oh thank you Gaara Sama!" I said and I gave him a compassionate and thankful hug. "You have no idea how much this means to me!"


I'm sorry for this chapter being extremely boring. I'll try not to make it boring all the time. :(

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